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^ local strip club offers a free taco bar at lunch, which is ACTUAL tacos
I'd be hesitant to ask for any 'sour cream' on mine.

I used to work at a shop in a strip mall after school when I was in high school. It was across the street from a fairly low class strip joint. I always used to get the dancers coming in before their shift to buy cigarettes and condoms.

These were definitely not your stereotypical 'dancing my way through college' girls. Nope. These were more the dancing my way into my 40s hairspray hags. It was nasty.

I talked to Dad last night and asked him about the Tygart Inn. Looks like it is in DV's back yard.
Anyway, it was in Elkins, WV. It was actually the Tygart Hotel and is now either aprtments or condos. I guess the neighborhood has gentrified n tha last thirty years. I actually assumed it had been torn down.
Elkins is on the outer range of my old 'stompin grounds'. At 60 miles away, it was the second closest town with a movie theater. I haven't been there since the late '90s but the entire town appeared to be undergoing gentrification.

Nothing disgusting here, but a couple years ago we went to St Louis for our Anniversary. We had always had a good experience with the Wingate brand of Hotels. So without checking it out, I just booked with the Wingate downtown. Everything was awful from the very begineeing. The hotel, at least one bldg and the roads around it were all under construction. After finally found a place to park in another hotels garage 2 blocks down the street, we made our way inside. The front desk had 3 spots (I think) to check in and numerous employees around but only one was checking people in (very slowly). Eventually obtaining our cards, we went for the elevators. Our room was on the 3rd or 4th floor. After waiting more than a few minutes for the elevators, we decided to head up the stairs. The stairs were literally about 2' wide, complete with dirty diapers at the landings. Through the lobby, past the defunct elevators, up the skinny stairs, we get to our room to find the cards don't work. Back down the stairs (without my wife) to the front desk where I had to wait 10-15 minutes again to talk to someone. Back up the stairs, this time the cards work. We get back from the game around 11:00 that night and there is no bar/lounge to get anything to eat/drink, they have no food machine and they only have root beer in the vending machine (which my wife detests). We decided to eat at their restaurant for breakfast the next morning. Not dirty or anything just a simple buffet with a decent selection of food that cost over $30 for two, for breakfast, buffet style. I was so disgusted with the whole ordeal, I intentionally left the tip blank after using my debit card. I remember that because I always leave at tip that way. Going through the register a month or two later, I see that I got charged around $35 for the breakfast. The jerks wrote in their own tip (I never leave the total blank any more). Needless to say I willl check out the place prior to making reservations even at the "nicer" places from now on. One small bit of revenge however, they never charged me for the stay. I didn't call back and complain or rant or anything, for some reason the dolts at the front desk just didn't enter it correctly and we were never charged.

Made some interesting observations this weekend while in the Bahamas:

Prop flights make for an interesting back massage.

Saw what could really only be a mail order bride couple.

Cubans are VERY loud people.

80's fashion is big in Miami.

If you want some interesting stories, just make a trip to Hanoi for a few days, then down to Saigon (maybe with a China Beach rest a Lifestyle Resort in Da Nang), then I will see where the adventure stories lead in Cambodia. It makes it more interesting with half the class of MBA students not even 25 yet, and I am near 40 and married.

I really don't want to be "that guy" that one ups everyone.

I am hoping to get some videos of the crazy traffic in Hanoi, and videos of how to cross traffic by just walking out into the street to oncoming traffic where you expect them to go around you. And all of the crazy stuff they hall on scooters. You haven't lived until you jump on the back of a scooter in Hanoi after midnight with no idea where anyone else is in your group, and wind up at a wild techno club full of europeans and australians.

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Made some interesting observations this weekend while in the Bahamas:
Prop flights make for an interesting back massage.

Saw what could really only be a mail order bride couple.

Cubans are VERY loud people.

80's fashion is big in Miami.
80's fashion? Like gold chains with their names on it?

This was a good bump of this thread with summer vacation season starting. I'm not going until September, but given the weird stuff that passes as food there, I'm sure I'll have some good stuff.

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I'm not going until September, but given the weird stuff that passes as food there, I'm sure I'll have some good stuff.
If you're holding it until September, I bet you will have some interesting stories to tell.


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Back in 2002, a few of us new college grads took a few weeks and hopped around Europe. One day on the train, we were trying to read some maps and figure out where we had to transfer when our conversation was overheard by another traveler. This traveler was an english speaking, middle eastern looking guy probably in his late 20's, early 30's and he was really nice and provided directions for where to go. We chatted a bit as the train went down the line and at the next stop, the German police came onboard and started questioning him in German and checked out his passport. After a few questions, they slapped some cuffs on him and took him away on the next stop. Since none of us spoke German, we always wondered what the deal was. Since it was not long after 9/11, maybe it was some sort of terrorist racial profiling thing? Who knows...

I was once on an airplane where the seatbelt line was clearly on when I see a lady stand up. She started arguing with the flight attendants and then she pulled out this card that said, "I CAN'T WAIT" and they finally let her go. I'm sure she had some legitimate bowel disorder, but it seems to me she should have pulled the card first, rather than tussling with the flight attendants...especially if time was of the essence.
