Why the hate for Walmart?

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Over the past several years, I've noticed increasing ratcheting up in anti-Walmart rhetoric. For the life of me, I can't understand why.

And it has moved on to haterd of all big box retailers, but Walmart gets the brunt of it.

Granted, I hit Kmart a lot more because it is closer and more convenient since the Walmart moved, but I've gotten good service from goods purchased from the big box stores. Heck, my TV (a Kmart purchase) will be 20 years old next year. TVs never lasted that long when I was a kid.

So what's the deal? I'll pay extra for something if it provides more utility for me, but, in my experience, it has been awfully hard to beat the prices/utility I've gotten from big box goods.

I think the wage issue is asinine. Working at Wal-Mart is a minimum wage, completely un-skilled job. It's not a career that should be the sole source of income for a family of 4. People have the same complaints about McDonald's. Wal-Mart employs 1.4 million Americans that probably wouldn't have jobs otherwise...and they almost certainly wouldn't have jobs that paid more or had better benefits.

I rant about walmart because of food quality and general selection of anything. At least by us, the produce and meat is second rate and more often than not, when something is on Sale it is because it is slightly off spec but still sellable so the manufacturer give walmart a great deal on the lot.

THey also don't have a wide selection on things. Its usually walmart brand and one other. There are things I will not buy generic off, I have in the past and know I don't like it.

As far as walmart and employee relations, one of the ladies here at work her daughter works at walmart and when she had her baby last year she had to go back to work as soon as she got cleared from the dr and she couldn't pump at work so ended up having to use formula after a few months.

I rant about walmart because of food quality and general selection of anything. At least by us, the produce and meat is second rate and more often than not, when something is on Sale it is because it is slightly off spec but still sellable so the manufacturer give walmart a great deal on the lot.THey also don't have a wide selection on things. Its usually walmart brand and one other. There are things I will not buy generic off, I have in the past and know I don't like it.
The closest grocery store to my house is a Walmart Neighborhood Market. They usually have a pretty good selection...at least one that rivals the Krogers in the area. I don't really like their meat department because everything is pre-packaged and there is no meat counter to get something cut to order. Their produce is also usually a bit older (not-as-fresh) as other grocery stores.

I specifically try to avoid crowds and morons. Seems that WalMart is usually a source of both. I do go to Wal Mart occasionally (once every 6 months or so), but try to make it during a weird hour so I'm not exposed to as many idiots.

Around my house, we have the following saying: A man will pay $2 for a $1 thing that he needs, while a woman will pay $1 for a $2 thing she doesn't need. It doesn't get any truer than that at my house. My wife buys stuff just because it's on sale... and I don't buy anything unless I decide I need it.

but try to make it during a weird hour so I'm not exposed to as many idiots.
The "weird hours" are usually when the super-crazy people are there. I was behind one lady at the checkout at about 2 am one night. She was buying about 40 cans of cat food and a box of crackers.

My issue with Wal-Mart is the way the business started vs. how it is operated now. Even I can remember going into WM and seeing so many things (not everything) "Made in USA ". This was way before Super WM or Neighborhood WM. Just freakin' WM. Then, when they started to boom and boom and boom, everything turned into "Made in China". It's not about supporting American businesses anymore. It's about being THE one stop shop in any town by pandering to the lowest common denominator with cheaply made foreign crap.


THey also don't have a wide selection on things. Its usually walmart brand and one other. There are things I will not buy generic off, I have in the past and know I don't like it.
I usually don't hit their grocery store unless I'm already there for something else, just because there are more convenient grocery stores with virtually the same prices. But for selection, I'd say Wally World is on par or better in the selection.

But I hate their meat department and won't buy anything from them.

But I hate their meat department and won't buy anything from them.
The one thing I can attest to liking in Wally's world is the meat at Sam's. Fantastic selection and price. The one in town has their own butchering room. Moo in, yum out.
I went through two rounds of bad meat from Wally World, so, never again.

There's a world of difference between the meat department at Walmart and the one in the Sam's Club right next door. We'll buy meat from Sam's every once in a while but almost never from Walmart.

As far as walmart and employee relations, one of the ladies here at work her daughter works at walmart and when she had her baby last year she had to go back to work as soon as she got cleared from the dr and she couldn't pump at work so ended up having to use formula after a few months.
isn't that illegal? Don't they have to make reasonable accommodations?

it supposed to be. but it was apparently made very clear they weren't onboard with the concept and when she did use her lunch period she had to use a stall in the bathroom used by the public...gross

I do have to admit that on two occasions I have abandoned a fully loaded shopping cart and left because they had long lines at the checkouts, and plenty of unused registers. THAT really chaps my hide.

Over the past several years, I've noticed increasing ratcheting up in anti-Walmart rhetoric. For the life of me, I can't understand why.
And it has moved on to haterd of all big box retailers, but Walmart gets the brunt of it.

Granted, I hit Kmart a lot more because it is closer and more convenient since the Walmart moved, but I've gotten good service from goods purchased from the big box stores. Heck, my TV (a Kmart purchase) will be 20 years old next year. TVs never lasted that long when I was a kid.

So what's the deal? I'll pay extra for something if it provides more utility for me, but, in my experience, it has been awfully hard to beat the prices/utility I've gotten from big box goods.
I thought I was the last Wal-Mart fan left. In my small town, we have a SuperCenter. It's rarely crowded, and the staff is very helpful and friendly.

I'm anti-Target, and it's simply because of the return policy. Wal-Mart will take anything back, and worst case give you a gift card. We registered at Target, and the things that were on our registry would only get a gift card in the department it was purchased in. Things with gift receipts would not get cash back, only a gift card.

My preference is locally owned businesses. But, if I'm shopping big-box store, it's Wal-Mart. Well, Wal-Mart minus fruit, vegetables, and meat.

I have been shopping there more often lately (i also try and skip there meat dept)

But Publix and Kroger have serioulsy crazy prices, its like from 4 years ago when gas was $5 the last time they never lowered their prices back, greedy fuckers!

we had a backpacing trip with my sons scout troop, and they actually have a decent backpacking section in the camping area. the same bag (same brand) of freeze dried food thats $9 bucks at REI was $4.50 at Wal-Mart.. its a no brainer... A lot of there smaller accessories were similar, small backapcking stove (same model) $65 @ REI $28 at Wal Mart.. unreal...

I'll buy name brand stuff there sometimes. If it's the same make and model that other places are selling then why not save money if Wal-mart has it for less. But then I find if I'm looking for a particular make or model of something I can find it cheaper online.

I will not buy any of there non-name brand stuff. I've found it to be mostly junk.

we had a backpacing trip with my sons scout troop, and they actually have a decent backpacking section in the camping area. the same bag (same brand) of freeze dried food thats $9 bucks at REI was $4.50 at Wal-Mart.. its a no brainer... A lot of there smaller accessories were similar, small backapcking stove (same model) $65 @ REI $28 at Wal Mart.. unreal...
I noticed the camping section was pretty good, too! I'm still thinking of that Coleman dual fuel stove for 79 bucks. propane version was 28 or something.

As for produce, I hit the local farmer's market. Tomatoes were 3.99/lb at Walmart and 1.49/lb at the FM.
