why do people open the door at the ATM, drive thru, etc

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I used to have trouble reaching the buttons on the ATM when I drove my Echo... no problems in the van. I think the problem is that if they are designed for an SUV/van, it's difficult for car drivers... and if it fits a car, it's near impossible for SUV/van/trucks.

I still like to use drive thru's when possible... simply because it means I don't have to get my kids out of the car... with a 9month old who generally falls asleep in the car, but has outgrown the carrier-style car seat... the less I have to get him out, the better.

I have a Toyota MR2 and a 4x4 GMC truck. I'm either reaching way up or way down at the ATM. Lucky for me I have long arms. The car is a lot worse than the truck though. I only opened the door once at a toll booth due to my window being frozen shut in sub-zero weather. I ordered the I-Pass as soon as I got home that night.

My bank just put in a fancy smancy new ATM at the branch closest to my house. It has a huge, color touchscreen monitor. It's essentially useless in that it doesn't provide any additional services, but it sure is pretty.

door window was frozen this AM so I had to open the door to order my dunkin coffee instead of rolling down my window!!


My car is lowered so I have to get out.

I'm so ritualistic I rarely ever use the ATM and get cash once a week from the bank for my envelopes.

I'm no guru, I just really like the system.

Girlfriend: hey, lets go do "insert something expensive here"

Me: sounds good, let me check (opens envelope to discover its empty)

Girlfriend: Its ok, I'll pay

Me: :happy:

I'm a Quicken guru and my wife does pretty good on the discretionary spending so I go with the debit card.

Hey MGX, totally unrelated note, my youngest brother got a full ride plus a bunch of money from Oklahoma and is seriously considering going to school there. How do you like Norman, OK?

My car is lowered so I have to get out.
I'm so ritualistic I rarely ever use the ATM and get cash once a week from the bank for my envelopes.
We're on the envelope system too... hubby goes to the bank the day after pay day (every two weeks) and gets cash. We have a rule that any time either of us use the ATM or debit card, we have to have a budget meeting first. It REALLY cuts down on the impulse buying!

We're on the envelope system too... hubby goes to the bank the day after pay day (every two weeks) and gets cash. We have a rule that any time either of us use the ATM or debit card, we have to have a budget meeting first. It REALLY cuts down on the impulse buying!
I think that idea - on paper - is really, really great! :)

However, doesn't it lead to some squabbling too?


Hey MGX, totally unrelated note, my youngest brother got a full ride plus a bunch of money from Oklahoma and is seriously considering going to school there. How do you like Norman, OK?
Norman is a nice town and there's enough nature stuff nearby to avoid going crazy. The good and bad part is OKc is right next door. I lived in Tulsa, which is beautiful with lots of bike trails, parks, etc and OKc has nothing like that. OKc does have 1+ million people so there's lots to do and see.

I think the CE college is great, all the profs have PEs/PhDs and are down to earth. The school does force us to socialize in order to graduate, which is annoying but otherwise I'd stay in my nerd cave doing design/theory work all the time. We have a structural lab where some machines there can cause serious damage (twisting I beams, busting concrete etc) I can't speak much for the other colleges, other than the school of meteorology is a sadistic bunch.

Everything is ABET accredited and they have free classes to prep for the FE (you have to attempt it once to graduate).

Is he thinking of engineering?

http://cees.ou.edu/ is the CE college

http://coe.ou.edu/en/page/home/ is the COE site

cash...what's that. I don't usually carry much of the green stuff around, a guess a bad habit left over from college. I never used a purse in school, the wallet was just thrown into a outer pocket of the backpack. In case it were ever lifted out of the bag, I didn't keep much in it.

Norman is a nice town and there's enough nature stuff nearby to avoid going crazy. The good and bad part is OKc is right next door. I lived in Tulsa, which is beautiful with lots of bike trails, parks, etc and OKc has nothing like that. OKc does have 1+ million people so there's lots to do and see.
I think the CE college is great, all the profs have PEs/PhDs and are down to earth. The school does force us to socialize in order to graduate, which is annoying but otherwise I'd stay in my nerd cave doing design/theory work all the time. We have a structural lab where some machines there can cause serious damage (twisting I beams, busting concrete etc) I can't speak much for the other colleges, other than the school of meteorology is a sadistic bunch.

Everything is ABET accredited and they have free classes to prep for the FE (you have to attempt it once to graduate).

Is he thinking of engineering?

http://cees.ou.edu/ is the CE college

http://coe.ou.edu/en/page/home/ is the COE site

No, I think he is wanting to be a physician. He wants to do medical missions work. He's really smart, really good with people, very compassionate, kind hearted (obviously I'm biased) but he'd make a good doctor. He is intellectual but he's very social. He also plays quite a few musical instruments (banjo, mandolin, guitar, drums, piano, bass, bass guitar). He loves the outdoors (hiking, camping, backpacking) and my experience with the midwest is there isn't a lot of that to do. I think the ideal campus for him would have a good music scene, lot's of outdoor extracurricular activities, academically challenging, and a good social scene.

^^^ The same is true for me - I am used to a debit card especially now that these days just about everyone accepts it.

Granted, I don't have the visual cues to tell me STOP but at the same time, I have a pretty good idea of my budget and when I need to say whoa!

I think the real point of the exercise is to:

  • have a budget
  • stick to the budget
  • re-consider 'necessity' of breaking the budget if necessary
  • don't make a habit of breaking budget
Good stuff!! :D

