why do people open the door at the ATM, drive thru, etc

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most atms around here are of the drivethru variety...however I haven't used my atm card in so long, I don't remember the pin #.

This is how 95% of the ATMs in Canada are... You don't see too many drive-thru ATMs, and if you do, there probably isn't a line. The foyer also makes a good place for hobos to get out of the cold.
Yes, and the thing i dislike the most about it is the foyers are small. So you get a couple people waiting, or you are one of the ones waiting. . . and everybody starts looking around nervously like deer picking up a hunters scent -

also during weekends or off hours, should you (and others) choose to politely wait outside in your vehicle, then one person pulls up & everybody starts running towards the foyer - but i can take them . . .lot of smokers in MI

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well I didnt mean to offend :D

I have driven all kinds of vehicles and from my Durango to the wifes Toyota Prius I can always use the window

I was behind a guy at Taco Hell at lunch today who opened his door to place his order and banged it up against the speaker thing and about had to get out of his car to make the order......

well I didnt mean to offend :D
I have driven all kinds of vehicles and from my Durango to the wifes Toyota Prius I can always use the window

I was behind a guy at Taco Hell at lunch today who opened his door to place his order and banged it up against the speaker thing and about had to get out of his car to make the order......
now why the hell you have to open your door to yell at the speaker is beyond me. If for some reason one can't open your window to order, pay and recieve the food then only and f'tard would use the drive-up. Get out of the freakin' car and go in.

Geez, you statesiders and your luxuries. Drive through ATMs?

I remember going to the drive-through liquor store in Cheyenne, Wyoming, after I turned 19 (drinkin' age in WY!!!!) to buy booze for my dorm-mates back at Colo. State. Now THAT's convenience - a drive through liquor store!

As much as I would like to say it's not true, I am one of those who simply cannot reach the ATM unless I am standing right in front of it.

Obviously, I'm the minority here, but I mainatin that these things were not "designed" to be operated from inside a vehicle and instead are positioned that way out of field installation convenience. Think about it. If it were truly more convenient for drive-up access then why are all the newly positioned stand alone units configured to park and walk-in? The drive-ups I've seen are only located at existing banks that had a drive up teller system at one time in thier life.
I can see this for the majority of older banks with the drive up teller stations, however you are incorrect that new banks don't incorporate drive through ATMs. My bank opened a brand new branch, complete with two drive up ATMs. I'm guessing the reason banks went to the "park and walk-in" option is that it takes up less land (the drive through lanes would be utilized more effectively as parking) and it's easier and requires less design to stick an ATM on the wall than construct dedicated lanes and a roof over the ATMs. Since my bank's drive up ATMs were new, they were designed for SUVs, thus they are almost too high for me to access from my Accord. I will only use them when its pouring down rain.

I do remember when I was a kid driving my bike through the drive thru at our local hardee's..

Man I know I aint "old" but I cant ever see me letting my kids ride their bike out of the neighborhood like we used to do...


I think the same thing. So far mine have to stay within 'sight'.

I used to ride my bike across town to go to the Bike shop. It was about 1.5 hr ride one way.

Times, they are a changin'

my kids are driving now so that phase is over, but my wife never let my kids go any real distance (like a couple of miles) bike rides. When we were kids we used go across town to other kid's houses, down to the ball fields, etc. I can see if they're grammar school age, but once they hit jr high school I say let them ride.

I could ride anywhere in my general neighborhood, but wasn't allowed to ride to the other side of town to see friends. I would have had to take a couple narrow and windy busy roads, as well as the main street through town. It was probably the right decision.

Though I do like this spiffy new rail trail they have there. They connected a bunch of smaller ones over the years. You can ride from there to NYC, which is about 50 miles. Naturally it was completed shortly before I moved out.

Geez, you statesiders and your luxuries. Drive through ATMs?
I remember going to the drive-through liquor store in Cheyenne, Wyoming, after I turned 19 (drinkin' age in WY!!!!) to buy booze for my dorm-mates back at Colo. State. Now THAT's convenience - a drive through liquor store!
We still have a ton. I pass two on my way to pick my kid up from day care.

I saw one of those in Jackson. It was teh awesome!!1!

Still doesn't come close to the epic coolness of the giant state liquor stores at the rest stops in New Hampshire. I used to love stopping there on my way to Manchester airport and picking up a few nips for the trip.

we have a little park (common area, baseball field, etc) inside our neighborhood, this summer we granted my 9 year old permission to take his bike down there if he is with friends, it caused the wife much grief to say the least, and he has to take the "walke talkie" so we can at least get a hold of him...

he has to take the "walke talkie" so we can at least get a hold of him...
WHAT!!??!! 9 years old and you haven't gotten him a cell phone yet? I'm calling Child Services. Oh the abuse!

j/k - seems like all kids who are old enough to talk these days have a cell phone. I can't stand it.

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My car is low to the ground and sometimes I can't reach. (Plus I'm short too- not a good combo). Also, my fiances old car had a broken window- try paying tolls with that thing!

I have a G35 coupe that is has windows that come up pretty high on people sitting in the car, so it makes it difficult to manuver your arm at certian ATM locations. In my truck I have no problem.

Recently I had a crappy loaner that had no heat and the driver's window was frozen shut.... I had to stop and pay a toll (no EZPass either) on my way from the dealer back to my office.

I was suddenly that ******** that had to open the door at the toll booth.
