Wow! Yes, that would make a big difference. You were on the ball. I had electronic copies of my transcripts ready to submit, but I didn't have the reference form ready to go because I didn't want to tell any of my co-workers I'd taken the test if I didn't pass (which given my lax approach to prep was a definite possibility).

So I got it signed that afternoon and emailed it in.
There is a "Checklist" function on the Michigan site your co-worker can check out if he's curious. The link is on the first screen you get to after logging in. The "time sink" here must be going through all the transcript and reference emails, because I see those are the only two items on mine left, although they were submitted at the same time as everything else. (P.S. I submitted three separate transcripts so I apologize to everyone behind me in line! Glad you got in ahead.)
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