Thank you Dark Knight for posting. The practice problems were useful in getting used to the set up of the NEC handbook.
Question on the first couple of problems. Were does it show/state that you need to include a factor for continuous duty and where does it state that continuous duty is 125%? I did well on calculating the loads, but got snagged on including the continuous duty.....
What's the difference between #16 and #18, and #17 and #19. 16 and 17 state what size overloads are required and 18 and 19 state what is the maximum size overloads. They sound very similar.
Last question, # 22, why is the 125% (continuous duty, right?) only applied to the two 30 HP motors? and not the rest, the two 10 HP motors and two 20 HP motors? If you would also include where the answer is stated would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again!