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Can anyone recommend any good, decently priced bluetooth headphones? I'm waffling between in-ear types (though my ears are small, so this can be no bueno if they don't come with multiple sizes) and completely over the ear ones. Will be using mainly for travel, so packability is a priority.  But mainly, comfort, sound, and price.
I bought a set of SoundPEATS bluetooth earbuds off Amazon and have been happy with them.  They have a mic, sound quality is better than most, they're the in-ear support type, and they come with several sizes of in ear supports and silicon ear-hole buds (I have pretty small ear-holes also, so that's a deal breaker for me if they're too big).  They came with a little carry case with carabiner cIip, but they also have magnets built into the buds so you can hang them around your neck and click the ends together so they don't fall off.  I think they also sell a noise-cancelling version.  

If you're traveling, remember to bring some wired ones with you, even if they're cheapies.  I know at least AA's newer planes have integrated entertainment systems into the head rests on some models, but you will need a wired headset to use it.  

Can anyone recommend any good, decently priced bluetooth headphones? I'm waffling between in-ear types (though my ears are small, so this can be no bueno if they don't come with multiple sizes) and completely over the ear ones. Will be using mainly for travel, so packability is a priority.  But mainly, comfort, sound, and price.
I don't recommend waffles. They get your ears all covered in syrup and butter.

At the same cost per month probably as "today's phones"

When I get my bill (for 5 phones) I try and remember I'm not paying $65/ month for a landline - and haven't for 7+ years or so
The landline is a nominal fee tacked on to our cable provider.  I've suggested to my wife that we should drop it as we hardly ever use it but in reality with the "bundled" package the landline is essentially free.

I'd like to lose cable TV and simply subscribe to internet service but the wife is not ready to take that leap just yet.

The landline is a nominal fee tacked on to our cable provider.  I've suggested to my wife that we should drop it as we hardly ever use it but in reality with the "bundled" package the landline is essentially free.

I'd like to lose cable TV and simply subscribe to internet service but the wife is not ready to take that leap just yet.
I bought an Ooma.  $80 worth of equipment, $20 one-time fee to transfer my number, and ~$3/month in mandatory Federal fees.  Helluva lot cheaper than what I was paying for a landline from my cable provider.

I think we're finally going to cut the cord

Our router is in one room and our television in another and when I perform speed tests - it doesn't perform well (10ish down) 

We currently use the rented modem/router combo from Spectrum so I'm think of upgrading since my children are getting older on ipads, wife ipad, television, etc.  

So which is the best router/modem combo for 300 MB per second connection?

So which is the best router/modem combo for 300 MB per second connection?
For cable modems, I'm partial to Motorola. Reasonably priced on Amazon. Be sure to look that it has DOCSIS 3.0 capability.

For routers, try to stick with name brands and you typically can't go wrong. However, if you want true performance and data throughput, for my $$ it doesn't get any better than ASUS. :thumbs:

My ASUS RTN66U has only needed about 2 resets in as many years due to connectivity issues that I can't necessarily contribute to the router itself, so I would recommend anything in the comparable ASUS line.

Linksys on the other hand... I wouldn't even use one to shim the leg of a wobbly table after all the troubles I had with them.  

Linksys on the other hand... I wouldn't even use one to shim the leg of a wobbly table after all the troubles I had with them.  
LOL. Their old stuff used to be solid! I still have a couple old routers that I use at home for small projects that are still going strong. But their latest offerings seemed to have really declined in overall quality. 

So ASUS RT-N66U or AC1750

I don't think any of my devices support AC yet
Get what best suits your usability model. I also recommend getting a unit with external antennae. Much better wireless range with that type of design.

Hey @knight1fox3, any thoughts on this laptop? Need to get one for Mrs. Ble to do typical office document work, internet surfing, etc. No gaming or anything like that.
Excellent selection! I really like the ASUS brand of laptops and presently use one as my home daily driver. Also like that it has both an SSD and HDD. That's the way to go with storing large files on the HDD while maintaining performance with programs & computing on the SSD. Great price too! :thumbs:

Not a fan of the TechArmor ballistic glass screen protector... It has a hairline crack in the middle from I have no clue what, and also, never fully sealed around the edges of my phone at all. This one got a crack after maybe two months of use, and I don't think I'm particularly hard on my phone. The cheap protector I had on it before lasted a lot longer, but also had the same issue with the lack of seal around the edges. WTH.

Any thoughts on best phones in the <$500 (preferably < $400) category? 

The battery has taken a dump on my S6, and I've not been happy with its stability as the hardware aged.  I just don't do enough with my phone to warrant the big money jobbers anymore.  Facebook, email, google maps, camera, alarm, and Android Auto probably sums up the only apps I've touched in about 3 years.  It looks like the Moto X4 is the way to go at only $300 unlocked, and I've always been a fan of Motorola durability.  Any other recommendations?


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