What did you think of construction??

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Three questions

1. How did it go, morning, afternoon, combined??

2. What did you think of the questions?? good bad ugly??

3. How do you get those stupid questions out of your head so you can sleep at night???????

1. Morning very well, afternoon confusing, time more of an issue.. overall really good I hope

2. Seemed like they took alot of time word smithing the questions, took too long to understand the question

3. Vodka, shaken not stirred

1.- Morning seemed easy. Most of the questions that I got hung on, I had time, took a 2nd look and missed units or something stupid. Felt good at lunch time. Overall, feeling pretty good.

2.- Afternoon threw some curves. I almost LOL at some questions- WHAT? HUH? Time was not an issue for me in either session, finished both with plenty of time to go back and review stuff. The probs I got stuck on, I skipped and came back to, then still had time to come up with a reasonable answer. That helped.

3.- Whiskey here. Made a bee line to the liquor store after the test, lol.

1. Morning was not too bad, considering I prepared very inadequately. Spent most of the time searching CERM. Took construction module for PM session, there were lots trick questions. Could have done much better. Wasn't too tough either.

2. Questions were not too bad in AM or PM. Was expecting it to be harder! Some were really wacky questions, would consider about 5 out of 40 in that category.

3. Unable to get those stupid questions out of my head too. Probably will linger there another 3 long months! Well there is always April, until then its Bourbon for me!

Considering this was my 1st time taking it, I don't have anything to compare it to but here goes.

1. Morning seemed very fair and I felt pretty good about it. The afternoon put me back in check b/c I was like wtf on about 10 of them and had no clue...

2. I thought most of the questions were kind of strangely worded as well. I wish I could discuss specifics. I'll just say I laughed at the cow.....lol. As for time, in the AM I was able to work the test all the way through and backcheck all the problems so I had plenty of time. In the afternoon, I could have used about 30 more minutes to figure out some of those crazy ass curveball questions.

3. After the test, I went straight to the hotel to find my gf waiting with grey goose and redbull. I needed quite a bit of red bull to get me pumped up to go out on Friday night. Had many vodka and redbulls and about 10 beers...got hammered to say the least!!!

Probably the most doubtul I've ever felt about a test, other than the FE, so we shall see! I just hope my guessing letter that I used was accurate....lol.

1. How did it go, morning, afternoon, combined?? Scared myself, actually did a couple of problems without cracking a book open, afternoon think I did okay. Combined, I hope 3rd time is a charm for me.

2. What did you think of the questions?? good bad ugly?? All three, good, bad and ugly.

3. How do you get those stupid questions out of your head so you can sleep at night??????? I take one problem that I had issues with and try to solve it on the way home, which is a 5 hour road trip, what else are you going to do during that time.

I agree with most everyone else here. Felt confident after the morning session. Seems like they tried to get cute with the wording of some of the afternoon questions. Found myself reading, re-reading, thinking, re-reading and trying to figure out exactly what the hell they were asking. I hope that I passed, because the idea of spending another 2.5 months studying doesn't really appeal to me.

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I'll just say I laughed at the cow.....lol.
Probably the most doubtul I've ever felt about a test, other than the FE, so we shall see! I just hope my guessing letter that I used was accurate....lol.
I laughed at the cow also and was glad I had my green book along.

I had a when-all-else-fails letter too. Just hope it doesn't result in a fail letter.

Morning was OK...but afternoon was a big disappointment for me. This was my 2nd time....and I chose construction depth in both trials

I am kinda surprised to see people saying construction depth was easy.....either these folks are taking some good review classes or I took a different exam

Construction was so difficult that I may consider another module next time....I'll sure be surprised if I pass

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Morning session for civil was fairly easy and only required the CERM. Most of the construction questions in the morning did not require any text or reference at all. I was surprised that the questions were grouped together by discipline. I figured they would be mixed all together. I had plenty of time to check my work and still finished early.

Construction PM had a few challenging questions but most were straightforward. It was heavy on resourced schedules, cost comparisons and productivity problems. I had time to check my work, but not as much as in the morning.

Overall I think I passed. I used maybe 5 books out of the 10 I had with me. I couldn't believe how many books some people had! You've got too many if you have to use a refrigerator dolly to transport them.

In defence of those with a refrigerator dolly, I used a number of obscure books that saved me a tremendous amount of time. It is not always what you know, but to know where to find it.

If taking a refrigerator full of books gives you piece of mind during the exam, then more power to them. Who cares how many books one takes. I rather be safe than sorry. I took a refrigerator and only used three books, but it made me feel safe. Does that make me smarter than the next person. I think not.

I took quite a few books and was glad I did. I did not need all of them but NCEES forgot to send the email telling me which lookup questions would be on the test. They covered the required references pretty throughly, mostly needed to look up and maybe do a simple calculation.

Morning session for civil was fairly easy and only required the CERM. Most of the construction questions in the morning did not require any text or reference at all. I was surprised that the questions were grouped together by discipline. I figured they would be mixed all together. I had plenty of time to check my work and still finished early.
Construction PM had a few challenging questions but most were straightforward. It was heavy on resourced schedules, cost comparisons and productivity problems. I had time to check my work, but not as much as in the morning.

Overall I think I passed. I used maybe 5 books out of the 10 I had with me. I couldn't believe how many books some people had! You've got too many if you have to use a refrigerator dolly to transport them.

The productivity problems are difficult to study for because they are experienced based and require some lessons from ye olde School of Hard Knocks and other unpleasant experiences. Remember this test is designed for those who went into the field after college and learned the hard way.
