Website to Keep Your Brain or Engineering Skills Up

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
I just took the PE Structural Exam. I have never studied as much for an exam in my life, and it drained me.

The weird thing is that I really liked what I was studying. I liked the problems, I liked digging through the codes, marrying theory with practical problems...I miss it now.

I work as a construction manager on the federal side. I feel like I am getting dumber and dumber every day on my job; like I hit a peak of intelligence in college, and sort of climbed it again for the PE; but I don't want to get so doggone stupid again.

Do you folks recommend a website to do one or two engineering problems a day, PE style, just to keep my juices flowing? Or even one of those brain gym websites, with all sorts of math and logic problems?

That is how I felt after the exam, in order to try and keep myself sharp on the theory and formulas, I decide to make the website You can look at that for some problems, also you can help me with the material to stay on top of things. There is no better way to learn than to try and explain the subject.
