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Obviously there is some sort of communication problem between VADPOR and PCS. PCS says result on NCEES website and DPOR says that no result will be on the website.
We need to put these two organizations in the same room so they can talk.
sounds like a typical bureaucratic cluster FXXX to me.

So, since I am stuck in Virginia waiting for pencil pushers to move our results forward, I thought I would check out the DPOR site a little (Since it seems possible this is the first place we will be able to tell).

Everybody in Virginia should already know your PE number, even though we do not have results yet. When you submitted your apllication, DPOR starts a file on you at that time and assigns you a 10 digit number, starting with 0402 (the 04 is for 'Board for APELSCIDLA' [Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects]), the 02 is for the Professional Engineer part of that board, hence all of us starting with 0402.

Anyway, when you were approved to take the PE exam, you should have recieved a letter from DPOR stating that you are approved to take the exam, wait for further instructions from the testing agancy, etc. This letter includes that 10 digit number starting with the 0402 (That is, if you still have that letter). The last six numbers of this (I assume starts with 047 or 048 if you are a first timer) should be your future PE stamp number, whether you pass now or 5 years from now. I know somebody who had about 10 years pass from their first PE exam to the one they passed and this process seems to hold true for their number. It also helps explain the missing or skipped over numbers.

When using the license lookup search on DPOR's site, you can search by name or number as you may be aware. You can also use an asterisk (*) to replace a number. For example, if you search for Professional Engineer with license number 047***, you will receive 558 records, the same with 048*** will give you 249. This could be useful to know when those numbers start growing should you not see your name come up. The asterisk can be used anywhere, such as 047*34 for 6 results or 04840* for 2 results. By the way, the highest number currently on the website is 048402, licensing by comity.

Here's to hoping I didn't over-analyze the PE exam the way I am the DPOR site. I'm off today and since I can't party or cry yet, just wanted to share what I've seen from the DPOR site.

Wishing everybody good luck, let's hope we hear something soon and have a Happy New Year. :deadhorse:

The result won't be out until next year.
Good thing next year is only hours away, not weeks! The real question is how far into January. if we take 73-75 days like the exams from 2008 and 2009, that would put us somewhere from Monday, January 10th to Wednesday the 12th due to the test being so late in October. It might be worthy to note that it seems the 61 days it took for the very first state to be notified is longer than normal, hope that doesn't translate to longer for us. I really need to know before my annual review come mid month.

I'm still holdong out hope for next week. Might be false hope, but so be it.

It just wonders me what is required to be verified again by DPOR and PCS that takes weeks to release the results. Is DPOR going to adjust the cut score? It is really frustrating to see all the states get results and we wait desperatly for weeks to get the result. And reading DPOR responses in above thread, DPOR is not going to change it track. Anyway, hope new year will bring good news to all of us. Happy New Year.

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at 7:24 am on Monday morning:

The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation Licensee Lookup Site is currently unavailable.

Please check back soon.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

at 7:24 am on Monday morning:

The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation Licensee Lookup Site is currently unavailable.

Please check back soon.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Site is back up. Nothing

Guys...if anything does appear it probably won't be until this afternoon at the earliest...remember the results are entered by hand so they probably have not even gotten into the office

Does anyone think or belive that the result will be out today?? ..Me ..I dnot think so..

The last two times the results came out on I'm guessing (hoping!!!) it will be next Monday.

I sure freaking hope's frustrating seeing all of these other states with thier results in already while we have to sit around because of some stupid middle man. I just keep telling myself at least I'm not in


As of 12/20 there were 29950 PE (according to License Look Up). As of this morning it is 29901.

Just thought I would bring Virginia back to the top of the list.

Looks like Day 66 is a wash for results. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day, or the next..... :brickwall:


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