Two tickets to anywhere...where would you go?

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This summer my brother-in-law "the doctor" is flying with his wife and their six kids to Croatia I know he's a doctor and all but I would be afraid to look at how much that would even cost.....

And to clarify why his wife is from there.... Guess they are taking them to see extended family....

This summer my brother-in-law "the doctor" is flying with his wife and their six kids to Croatia I know he's a doctor and all but I would be afraid to look at how much that would even cost.....

I can fill you in on the cost of that one next year. We're probably going to make a trip to Serbia. I'm interested in the trip but not looking forward to the hit on the checking account.

I would go to Dubai or the UAE--- I want to see the Middle East. India also is on the list!

To actually see the middle east or to return the favor and crash the plane into one of their buildings?

Ooh Ireland is another good one that's on my list.
We've taken two trips there, both were excellent.

I'd like to see New Zealand. Travelling is just so expensive and with young kids I don't want to go anywhere for more than a few days. Maybe in the future.

^Christchurch and the southern island....although they still aren't fully recovered from the earthquakes a couple years ago. Great public transportation and great scenary

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Tuscany, Italy is another one on my list. I would spend a week there, bike riding, drinking wine, and eating good food.

A big chunk of my heritage is Sicilian, and while I'd love to visit, I can't help but feel that I would come back weighing 600 pounds, covered in pasta sauce, sardine oil, and reeking of Limoncillo (sp? Limoncello? Either way, it's lemon booze).

Biking + sauce + fish + booze = a less than pleasant Italian countryside. You know, after it's covered in puke and all.

I'd love to go to Japan (well, the airport does NOT count), but I think that my wife would rather go to Australia.

So, down under it is!
