Dexman PE PMP
Internationally PMP'n his PE-ness
There is so much in this thread that I want to respond to, but no where near enough time to do it.
These are the facts:
Vaccines do not cause autism. This is one of the most studied things in the US. It is fact, not belief. This does not mean they are risk-free. Just under 1% of people around the world either have an allergic reaction or the vaccine does not work. List of known side effects here:
Vaccines do not work for everyone. Infants cannot be immunized until they are 6 months old, and a small percentage of people either have adverse reactions to the immunization or the immunization just does not work (my neighbor is one). Herd immunity is still their best chance to keep from catching the disease because the odds of encountering another un-vaccinated person carrying the disease is very small. The more un-vaccinated people there are, the higher the risk of your infant (who cannot get immunized yet) will be exposed.
Measles are more contagious than Ebola. Ebola requires direct fluid contact whereas the Measles can be spread with a sneeze or cough. The average Ebola patient will infect 2-3 people. The average Measles patient can infect up to 20. A Measles patient is contagious for up to 21 days before showing symptoms.
20% of children who catch measles will die, even in today's medical world. Doctors can only treat the symptoms to make you feel better, but the body has to fight the disease by itself. ~150k people died in 2013 due to Measles. It is still one of the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5.
Southern California has a lower immunization rate than many 3rd world countries.
My wife works at one of the handful of hospitals in the country that has an infectious disease ward initially built for Ebola, but it has been primarily used for the treatment of Measles.
Immunization production is one of the most heavily regulated and monitored industries in the planet. The levels of chemicals used to produce immunizations are so infinitesimally small that you are more exposed when drinking a Starbucks coffee, eating McDonalds and sitting in the sun.
Having illegal immigrants in the country is all the more reason to have your children vaccinated. If you fear the disease, protect yourself and your kids.
These are the facts:
Vaccines do not cause autism. This is one of the most studied things in the US. It is fact, not belief. This does not mean they are risk-free. Just under 1% of people around the world either have an allergic reaction or the vaccine does not work. List of known side effects here:
Vaccines do not work for everyone. Infants cannot be immunized until they are 6 months old, and a small percentage of people either have adverse reactions to the immunization or the immunization just does not work (my neighbor is one). Herd immunity is still their best chance to keep from catching the disease because the odds of encountering another un-vaccinated person carrying the disease is very small. The more un-vaccinated people there are, the higher the risk of your infant (who cannot get immunized yet) will be exposed.
Measles are more contagious than Ebola. Ebola requires direct fluid contact whereas the Measles can be spread with a sneeze or cough. The average Ebola patient will infect 2-3 people. The average Measles patient can infect up to 20. A Measles patient is contagious for up to 21 days before showing symptoms.
20% of children who catch measles will die, even in today's medical world. Doctors can only treat the symptoms to make you feel better, but the body has to fight the disease by itself. ~150k people died in 2013 due to Measles. It is still one of the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5.
Southern California has a lower immunization rate than many 3rd world countries.
My wife works at one of the handful of hospitals in the country that has an infectious disease ward initially built for Ebola, but it has been primarily used for the treatment of Measles.
Immunization production is one of the most heavily regulated and monitored industries in the planet. The levels of chemicals used to produce immunizations are so infinitesimally small that you are more exposed when drinking a Starbucks coffee, eating McDonalds and sitting in the sun.
Having illegal immigrants in the country is all the more reason to have your children vaccinated. If you fear the disease, protect yourself and your kids.
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