Tips for Maryland Test Takers

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Dec 9, 2014
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We're a week before the October PE Exam, so I figured I should share some advice on the Maryland exam site. I'm assuming that it is being held at the State Fairgrounds again this year. It's located at 2200 York Road, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21903.

Unless you are local to the area, I would recommend staying at a nearby hotel the night before. We all know how bad traffic can get here. So you can either leave very early to beat it or take your chances. If you've never been there before I would also recommend driving to the test site before the day of the test just to understand where it is and what the narrow busy road is like. You should try to get their early that morning regardless.

There is ample parking on site. You will almost certainly enter through the York Road entrance and park in the larger lot. There is a hidden entrance on Timonium Rd, more on this later.

The test takes place in the main fairground building. It's essentially a large warehouse/barn/hangar. There will be about 300 test takers. Two at a table, and as many tables as needed. The chairs aren't awful, but they aren't luxurious either. The tables are old folding wood tables. I don't remember any issues with HVAC or noise. There is no clock in the room. Bring a mechanical watch that doesn't make noises. You can ask the proctors during the exam about how much time is renaming.

There are bathrooms on site, but only one person of each sex may go to the bathroom at a time during the exam. They get very crowded immediately after the test adjourns for the morning and afternoon sessions. You can't use the bathrooms 15 min before the end of a session.

You may leave early during either session. Except during the 15 minutes prior to the end of the session.

The rules are very specific about what kind of containers (to carry references) may be brought into the exam site. In previous exams they have been relaxed about this rule with a caveat. People will bring suitcases of books to the exam site, but the proctors will make you put your suitcase against one of the walls after you've removed your books. The allowable containers (milk crates, clear plastic boxes, etc) may be kept under the side of your desk.

You should read and re-read the NCESS and Maryland specific exam rules before leaving for the exam. As a nuclear engineer, I think you should be disqualified from being a PE if you don't follow procedures, but maybe that's a disciple specific culture; it's astounding how many people don't know the rules before coming to the exam. Even if you've taken the test before new rules get added from session to session, so you don't want to be surprised on exam day.

The proctors aren't "out to get you". They are friendly and fair. Do not give them a hard time, do not take out your emotions on them. They will read the rules out loud before the exam and give you time to ask clarifying questions. They know people will accidentally bring forbidden items into the exam site and specifically give you a chance turn them in before the test.  If you accidentally are in violation of the rules this is your chance to make it right. You can recover those items at the end of the day. They go around before every session with graphical print outs of approved calculators and disapproved digital watches/items. If something isn't right they will let you know before the test even starts, this is to let you surrender the item to them during the test session but recover it later. It is all perfectly reasonable and fair. 

With that in mind, during the test they will enforce the rules as written. They are not engineers, so don't expect them to understand certain subtleties, and don't ask them for help on the exam. They are paid to administer the test per procedures and they do it appropriately. To them, the rules are the rules.

Maryland was the main site of the infamous Fitbit rule last April. It happened elsewhere, but it was most prolific here. Leave your Fitbits at home/in the car.  Just to be safe, one should avoid bringing any electronic into the exam site that doesn't fit into these categories:

  1. NCEES approved Calculator
  2. Carkey Fob, one which doesn't make any noises (unless forbidden in the new rules)
  3. A medical device that is actually required to live/function
You can always buy a cheap mechanical watch. You don't want to risk an ignorant proctor confusing a digital watch for a smart watch, calculator, fitbit, etc. It has happened before, it will happen again. It's not worth the risk. Leave all other electronics at home or in the car. Double check before entering the exam site.

Lunch is supposed to be an hour, but it practice it they will give you more time. There are plenty of fast food options near by. With a few hundred other test takers they can get busy quickly. You'll probably be okay to eat offsite, but I recommend packing a lunch and eating it on site. 

I also HIGHLY recommend moving your car during lunch to the parking lot on the other side of the test building. This lot has access to the "hidden" exit to Timonium Road. When the test is over most people (read: 150+ cars) will try to exit onto York Road at the same time. The light is very short and it's a few minutes between cycles. Maybe 3-4 cars will get out per green light. By comparison it's an easy stop-sign right turn onto Timonium Road. However I wouldn't recommend this if you must make a left turn onto Timonium Rd.

For whatever reason the exams tend to run late. An end time of 5:30 or later is likely.

Good luck next week!

Thank you so much for the detailed response! I am taking it next week at the Fairgrounds. I live in Baltimore City, which is about 15 miles away from the Fairgrounds. It's about a 30 minute drive up I-83. I planned on leaving my home around 6:30.

I heard about the Fitbit story from last year. I do not have a fitbit. I am bringing a wrist watch, but the rules now actually state wrist watches cannot be worn. They are allowed but I'm assuming just on the desk.

I planned on bringing a suitcase. This is what my friend did last year. There was nothing new in the rules about a suitcase not being allowed. He told me he unloaded everything at his desk and put his suitcase against the wall. I intend on bringing bottles of Gatorade, water, and tea. I also plan on bringing a bag of hard candy and peeled clementines. Will these items have to be on the desk at all times?

The slip said to report at 7:15. What time do they start going over the rules? What time does the exam begin? I am guessing AM portion is 8-12, Lunch, PM portion 1:30-5:30.

Do they check what is in your pockets? What do you do with stuff like wallet and keys? Just curious if I could keep them on me. I'm also thinking of bringing a seat cushion.

I heard the traffic at the end of the afternoon session is a nightmare. It's tempting to try and finish the afternoon early just to get out of there in time. I am not sure exactly about the parking on the other side of the building... do you mean parking across the street in the parking lot there?

Is the building the long rectangular building east of the parking lot and north of the track?

It's about a 30 minute drive up I-83. I planned on leaving my home around 6:30.

I am bringing a wrist watch, but the rules now actually state wrist watches cannot be worn. They are allowed but I'm assuming just on the desk.

I planned on bringing a suitcase. This is what my friend did last year. There was nothing new in the rules about a suitcase not being allowed. He told me he unloaded everything at his desk and put his suitcase against the wall. I intend on bringing bottles of Gatorade, water, and tea. I also plan on bringing a bag of hard candy and peeled clementines. Will these items have to be on the desk at all times?

The slip said to report at 7:15. What time do they start going over the rules? What time does the exam begin? I am guessing AM portion is 8-12, Lunch, PM portion 1:30-5:30.

Do they check what is in your pockets? What do you do with stuff like wallet and keys? Just curious if I could keep them on me. I'm also thinking of bringing a seat cushion.

I heard the traffic at the end of the afternoon session is a nightmare. It's tempting to try and finish the afternoon early just to get out of there in time. I am not sure exactly about the parking on the other side of the building... do you mean parking across the street in the parking lot there?

Is the building the long rectangular building east of the parking lot and north of the track?
If they want you there at 7:15, plan to be there by 7:00. You may want to consider leaving home a little before 6:30, but since you are opposite rush hour, it may be okay to leave that late. They start letting people in at 7:15. It takes a while to get everyone ID checked and into the hall. IIRC they don't start reading the rules until everyone is essentially settled in.

The exact schedule for AM/Lunch/PM sessions will vary, but your SWAG is close enough. It could end up being later than that...

It's news to me that they aren't allowing the wearing of wristwatches! Wow, just wow! I would hope that some sort of timekeeping device would be provided for the room or allowed on the desk. Check with the proctors (or contact the MD board) before the test to ensure that you are legal.

They didn't check pockets in the past. But if you gave them a reason to check you, I wouldn't rule it out. Wallet and keys were in my pocket. ID was always on the table in front of me along with the exam authorization. 

I don't remember the rules of seat cushions or if anyone brought them during the test.

I didn't bring foodstuffs into the exam, so I glossed over those rules. Ask a proctor if you are unsure. In the past I know that hard candies must be on the table and unwrapped prior to the exam session. Take it easy on liquids, especially caffeinated diuretics. See my comments about bathrooms above.

I've included a map below. The main and side parking lots will be self evident when you get to the building.


DO NOT LEAVE THE EXAM EARLY, unless you are absolutely sure that you are done and cannot improve any further! Having to spend an extra 30-60 min in traffic is nothing compared to having to retake the test.

Traffic blows post exam. You can't move your car from the main lot to the side lot before the test. it will be blocked off, and lots of people standing in the road waiting to enter the building. But that restriction is gone during lunchtime. Move your car during lunch. And leave via the Timonium Rd exit after the test. The wait time to exit is negligible.


When did you take the exam? What was your method of studying? I took the EET Review Course, the associated homeworks, quizzes, and practice exams, NCEES practice exam, Goswami exams and other practice problems I found. I just hope it's enough and there aren't too many big surprises. I want to take this exam down in one shot.

Let me add to this if I may:

The wooden chairs do not sit proportional to the height of the table, i.e. the chairs are too low for the table. I ended up sitting on a Steel manual the entire test. Plan for this, because it really threw me for a loop when I sat down.

The clear bin thing is real. Plan for this. I had all my books strategically filed in bankers boxes and they ended up in piles all over the floor. Go to the dollar store and get some clear laundry bins. Do it NOW!

Look at your notes and resources!!!! If they are stapled into book format with a heavy duty staple, but you do not have a report cover on them they will be confiscated!!

Bring earplugs. You are taking the test at the fairgrounds. When I took it there was a dog show next door in the afternoon.

THERE IS NO CLOCK!!! Bring the watch anyway, and see what they make you do. When I took it, you HAD to wear the watch, you couldn't leave it on the desk (I had a broken band, so I know this). They didn't give me a hard time going into my pocket to check.

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Let me add to this if I may:

The wooden chairs do not sit proportional to the height of the table, i.e. the chairs are too low for the table. I ended up sitting on a Steel manual the entire test. Plan for this, because it really threw me for a loop when I sat down.

The clear bin thing is real. Plan for this. I had all my books strategically filed in bankers boxes and they ended up in piles all over the floor. Go to the dollar store and get some clear laundry bins. Do it NOW!

Look at your notes and resources!!!! If they are stapled into book format with a heavy duty staple, but you do not have a report cover on them they will be confiscated!!

Bring earplugs. You are taking the test at the fairgrounds. When I took it there was a dog show next door in the afternoon.

THERE IS NO CLOCK!!! Bring the watch anyway, and see what they make you do. When I took it, you HAD to wear the watch, you couldn't leave it on the desk (I had a broken band, so I know this). They didn't give me a hard time going into my pocket to check.
Alright, so I would definitely benefit from a seat cushion.

So you can have a clear plastic bin next to you but nothing else?

I am only bringing 3-ring binders and some Practice Problems books. Think I should be okay.

I will be wearing earplugs and have a watch.

Do bottles / food HAVE to be on the table at all times?

Yep - rules are nothing (jewelry, watches [smart or not], bracelets...etc) can be worn on your wrist. The exam authorization ticket states that there will be timers set up throughout the room for clock checking. 

I have a feeling that it'll be 9am before we get started...

Good Luck All!

Yep - rules are nothing (jewelry, watches [smart or not], bracelets...etc) can be worn on your wrist. The exam authorization ticket states that there will be timers set up throughout the room for clock checking. 

I have a feeling that it'll be 9am before we get started...
It looks like they aren't taking any chances after the fitbit fiasco. Since they are setting up clocks, I'd recommend leaving all watches and jewelry at home.

One year, we started around 845. So 9:00 seems totally possible. Of course this means that the exam won't end until after 6.

I am only bringing 3-ring binders and some Practice Problems books. Think I should be okay.
Are you asking about the binding rule, or be okay to take the test?

If the former, yes you sound legal.

If the latter, are you sure you don't want some other textbooks and references with you too? Lack of references really hurt me on the first attempt. 

Are you asking about the binding rule, or be okay to take the test?

If the former, yes you sound legal.

If the latter, are you sure you don't want some other textbooks and references with you too? Lack of references really hurt me on the first attempt. 

I meant I am just bringing binders and practice problems, like 6 Minute Solutions and the NCEES Sample Exam. My References are in 3-ring binders (MUTCD, AASHTO, RDG, HCM).

Check the Maryland rules to be sure. In years past large opaque bags (backpacks) would have to be placed along the wall. 
Thanks for the response. I don't mind it being put against the wall. Just can't fit everything in my big clear bin & it's already too heavy for me to carry, so.

Plan to bring your lunch to the exam. Going in and out the fairground is a bitch! 

Like the OP said, get a place to stay nearby. I stayed at the Homesuite last time when I took it. 

After the exam, go have dinner before you head back to the beltway...

Don't forget your exam authorization, your ID, painkillers for headache, water/energy drink/juice/coffee and small snacks but it to be out of the plastic. 

Wear a sweeter since it's cold this time of year. 

and Leave your phone in your car!!! Facebook can wait lol

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Good luck to those who taking it tomorrow at the fairground...the sight of that place still haunt me! 

Bring your lunch...don't go out and buy it. Like I said before, around lunch time, the main going out of the fairground is pretty crowded

I find it very interesting, as many years as they have been giving this exam, that the “Exam Authorization” letter has conflicting items on it.  In particular, Item 1 under “IMPORTANT” states “No jewelry, watches, ......

and then below under “Instructions to All Examinees” bullet 8 “Wear a watch and turn off the beep

I had heard one story saying no digital watches, only mechanical style.  

So I emailed a picture of my watch to the MD dllr group and they said, “No watches allowed”.

Definitely leave all jewelry and unapproved electronics at home or in the car.

If in doubt, follow the more restrictive instructions. The Maryland rules are usually way more restrictive. 

In years past, the proctors always had an amnesty period before the test where test takers could turn in their forbidden items. These items could be collected by the test takers after the test was complete. My guess is they'll do it again this session, but why risk it. Plus it delays when the test actually starts for everyone.
