Capt Worley PE
Run silent, run deep
When i was in computer lab, we were playing LodeRunner and BOLO.
We had a lab with eight or ten Apple IIe's back in 82 or 83 in our HS. Graduated college in 88 and by that time was doing all my typing on Word Perfect.what was a computer lab? In elementary school our school had 2-3 computers on carts that moved from room to room each class got the computer for a week at time, I think i was in 6th grade when they got them. Even then the computers were the cartridge variety.
By the time I was a senior in HS (1998) we had a designated computer lab, and it was full of macs.
Had to Google a picture. It is, in fact, an ImageWriter II!My folks still have their Apple IIe that I cut my computing teeth on as a sixth grader, complete with ImageWriter tractor feed, dot matrix printer.
On occasion i will still use QBasic these days.We had a lab with eight or ten Apple IIe's back in 82 or 83 in our HS. Graduated college in 88 and by that time was doing all my typing on Word Perfect.what was a computer lab? In elementary school our school had 2-3 computers on carts that moved from room to room each class got the computer for a week at time, I think i was in 6th grade when they got them. Even then the computers were the cartridge variety.
By the time I was a senior in HS (1998) we had a designated computer lab, and it was full of macs.
Does anyone use these programs anymore on a regular basis?
Lotus 123
I used to have a Zenith Z100 computer when I was at HQ MAC in the early nineties. Integrated screen, keyboard, and display with two, yes, two, 5 1/4 floppy drives. And the display was that supercool green dot display.
Anyone remember daisy wheel printers and tractor feed paper?