My VIC-20 failed to come on when I tried to power it up recently.

I had to hack a new power supply together, the old one didn't work, and unfortunately it was potted, so I just threw it out and cut the end off and wired up from my bench supply.
I haven't tested to see if my old Walkman WM-10 works (the one that's the size of a cassette tape case). I remember paying like $90 for it back in 1984 or so. Lots of childsitting money went in to that thing (yeah, I watched one kid for $$...).
I don't know if my Discman works either. I still have it though.
Even have my big Mitsubishi Jambox. I also have my Grandfather's old Sony portable Tape/Radio/TV. It's a 3" B&W TV with a tape and radio unit. Looks like a piece of test equipment. That still works.
My kids look at all my old junk and laugh...