what like you can't have your car warm up if you're not sitting in it, but you're ok to idle if you're sitting in it? take a nap? Lol7 this morning! But I know a lot colder in Minnesota / Wisconsin areas today!
The barney fife cops have been out in the neighborhood issuing warnings to people warming there cars up - so ******* stupid they waste time on that - luckily its only "against the law" if you do it in the street and not in your driveway so I have been puffing away hoping to see one of those bastards drive by
My brother-in-law actually had his car stolen out of his driveway in an upscale suburb of St. Louis doing that.yup... not on the street (ROW) but you can in your driveway - supposedly its a "theft" problem, cause you know most criminals are up at 6:00 am on a 10 degree day when normal people are going to work
Yea, but then you're going to the outhouse at 2 in the morning when it's -9 outside...Just need lots of Jack Daniels
Yes JD! My annual winter camp is set for weekend of 2/8. Hopefully the temps are on the + side of zero.