~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Looks like Hurricane Michael will be coming through here Wednesday/Thursday.  Lets see how much more **** this one can rip off my house...

thought it was going through the panhandle / FLA / BAMA area?

were prepping for 1st snowfall here tomorrow

looking at the weather channel it does appear that thing takes a wide slice to the right after hitting the panhandle- just sort of a weird angle - hopefully it slows down before it reaches land

****.  Guess Michael grew from a 2 to a 4 overnight, and my house is directly in its path as it passes between Columbia, SC and the Charlotte metro area.  6" of rain and 40 mph winds expected over something like 8 hours.  Wish us luck...

Ack, I hope you stay safe and without much damage, Supe!

I guess I shouldn't mention that it's 60 degrees and sunny here...

Swing and a miss, forecasters.  I have some puddles on my lawn from an hour of heavy rain, aaaaand that's about it.  I've heard maybe two gusts of wind, and that's about it.   Mostly annoying light rain. 

yesterday was pretty nice, 20 degrees, around 3 IN of the white stuff,  lit up the wood stove and watched around 8 hours of football, cold as **** today , but the rest of the week here is going to be highs in the upper 50's / 60's..


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