~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Well, I guess we missed the overwhelming majority of the Irma periphery.  Decent wind gusts last night, lost part of a shutter, lots of leaves and some limbs down on the drive into work, but that's about it.  No way we got anywhere near the 6 inches of rain that was forecast.  We have a couple isolated blobs of yellow on the radar that may pass through, but nothing more.

The eye passed over us, but by that time it had been down graded to a tropical storm and we didn't have any winds exceed 60 mph (I think), we got 5.8 inches of rain on Monday and another half or so this morning.  Loss of power for about 12 hours, and a day and a half off work. 

Pretty sure most of the crews heading to FL are staging themselves here as all the parking lots of the large shopping centers are full.  Traffic has been horrid but all Florida license plates all heading south/south east.   

Already lost two people from one of my projects to restoration efforts one to the Keys, one to Puerto Rico.  Another is slated to leave in early Oct for desitination to be determined. 

next week the lows start to dip into the 40's... hopefully this summer thing is almost a bad memory ;)

Back into the upper 80's here every day, usually high 70's when I leave for work in the AM.

we were supposed to hit up Vail this weekend but its supposed to rain / snow all weekend long up there and apparnalty that's taking all the fun out of the wifes intended leaf watching - I was just going for the jeep drive and the beer drinking :(

Geez, the wildfires up here are awful. I was watching the local news last night, and I've never seen anything like it before. As to how it pertains to the weather her? Terrible, terrible air quality. I can feel it on my rides to/from work and also on my run yesterday. People are legitimately walking around wearing dust masks, and I'm starting to think I should get one too because conditions are supposed to be bad at least through the weekend.

On a related note, please keep all of those affected by these fires in your thoughts, guys and gals!

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Geez, the wildfires up here are awful. I was watching the local news last night, and I've never seen anything like it before. As to how it pertains to the weather her? Terrible, terrible air quality. I can feel it on my rides to/from work and also on the run yesterday. People are legitimately walking around wearing dust masks, and I'm starting to think I should get one too because conditions are supposed to bad at least through the weekend.

On a related note, please keep all of those affected by these fires in your thoughts, guys and gals!
definitely use one if you feel it that badly. when we had wildfires in montana + oregon resulting in smoke in the city it was pretty detectable too. I walked with my fleece in front of my mouth for a less mask-y filter. haha.

also terrible everyone being displaced and the loss! I cannot imagine losing everything. I know people recover just fine, but the devastation of having to start over vs choosing to would put me in a lot of shock. 

there was a fire 4 houses down from the house i grew up in (my parents still live there) yesterday. an older lady was taken out on a stretcher. also hoping she's doing okay. 

fire is beautiful. but terrifying. 

definitely use one if you feel it that badly. when we had wildfires in montana + oregon resulting in smoke in the city it was pretty detectable too. I walked with my fleece in front of my mouth for a less mask-y filter. haha.

also terrible everyone being displaced and the loss! I cannot imagine losing everything. I know people recover just fine, but the devastation of having to start over vs choosing to would put me in a lot of shock. 

there was a fire 4 houses down from the house i grew up in (my parents still live there) yesterday. an older lady was taken out on a stretcher. also hoping she's doing okay. 

fire is beautiful. but terrifying. 
Yikes, I hope your parents' neighbor is okay!

Yeah, I remember one of the principals telling me about how he lost the house he was living in with a roommate during the Oakland Hills fires in 1991. I was too young to remember those, but they were pretty terrible too.

Stay safe, Leggo.  I keep holding my breath on these fires, since aerial photos show it creeping closer and closer to Sonoma Raceway.

Yep, rain would be good. Right now, the only thing in the next 10 day forecast other than sunny or party cloudy is a 50% change of showers next Thursday. I highly doubt, at this point, that that will even transpire. Man, CA has maybe technically gotten out of the drought (that's a different topic), but it sure does need water right now.

I just hope the winds cooperate. They are what has been making it the trickiest, I think.

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Yep, rain would be good. Right now, the only thing in the next 10 day forecast other than sunny or party cloudy is a 50% change of showers next Thursday. I highly doubt, at this point, that that will even transpire. Man, CA has maybe technically be out of the drought (that's a different topic), but it sure does need water right now.

I just hope the winds cooperate. They are what has been making it the trickiest, I think.
we had a teensy bit of rain up here today. i wafted it your direction.

You know how to avoid being victimized by wildfires and  earthquakes?  Don't live in California for starters.  Just like people who live in trailer parks in Kansas and Oklahoma invite getting blown away by a tornado, anyone living in California has to assess the risks and decide what their risk profile is.  Mine is to NOT be victimized by an earthquake or a wildfire.  Aren't there already enough risks out there to shorten your life without deliberately living in a location that is known for these events?
