~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Good thing the media never over reacts!

Thankfully it hooked right fast enough that we didn't get much in Charlotte.  We had about 24 hours of heavy wind and rain, and only lost power for a short while on (I think) Saturday morning.  

Damn, I had forgotten how cold winter really is. It's only 18 degrees with a windchill of 5 degrees now. 

It's supposed to get to a low of -9 sometime early next week......

Ya it was just about 20 deg. this morning. Which means I should really find my winter coat....

tis a cold 11 here.... maybe 2 inches of snow overnight?

my daughter took my wifes down jacket this morning for school and the wife is pissed!

meh.. @ 71 you don't get to do some light 4 wheeling on a snow covered dirt road on the way into work ;)

I just hope the landscapers can get my leaves cleaned up before they're covered with snow. 

My grass is already dead.  Considering just letting mine decompose.
