The Walking Dead

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two questions from last night:

1) why did Glenn and Maggie go with Eugene?

2) Who the F was that with Darryl last night in the woods?

I do not know the exact answer but it looked to me like Glenn was disturbed by the way The Hunters were dismissed. That may have been a reason because he saw what many of us have seen now: Rick is loosing his humanity. Remember he wanted to go back and kill the Termites, sorry, the people from Terminus and Glenn talked him out of it.

About the person with Darryl last night may be Beth but I think it is someone else. Will not be surprise if it is Carol and they are just messing with us. Also I did read somewhere about a character, a former reporter, that will join the group and will become Rick's romantic interest. But who knows.

we fast forwarded through the talking dead last night (after we DVR'd it) to 54 minutes mark where they show the extended sneak peak, and they show Beth in some hospital. I know from looking out the window where she is that she is in the Cumberland Mall Area (North of Atlanta) but I think I also heard rumored that she doesn't show back up until DC----

You would think since Glenn was just a few seconds away from being hit over the head and then having his throat cut and eaten that he would have sympathy for the way they were taken out....

I would also make sure to leave that Father Gabriel locked away whenever I left also.. he cant be trusted

I'm guessing it's the guy we saw at the end of the first episode (was it Forrest Whitaker?) and he will have some info that will point them toward Beth and who took her.

It was Darryl who came out of the woods, I'm guessing he was talking back to Morgan? I haven't read any of the comics so I don't know any names that haven't been on the show yet.

I finally finished season 3 and started the first episode of season 4. Season 3 was so good. Rick going crazy on the claimers was pretty awesome. I should be able to catch up by the time the next episode comes out.

I'm finally caught up! I'm going to miss being able to just watch the next episode though. I also started the second season of the game and man is that game crazy.

two questions from last night:

1) why did Glenn and Maggie go with Eugene?

2) Who the F was that with Darryl last night in the woods?
I do not know the exact answer but it looked to me like Glenn was disturbed by the way The Hunters were dismissed. That may have been a reason because he saw what many of us have seen now: Rick is loosing his humanity. Remember he wanted to go back and kill the Termites, sorry, the people from Terminus and Glenn talked him out of it.

About the person with Darryl last night may be Beth but I think it is someone else. Will not be surprise if it is Carol and they are just messing with us. Also I did read somewhere about a character, a former reporter, that will join the group and will become Rick's romantic interest. But who knows.
Yeah, that's how I saw it too. Maggie looked pretty disgusted during the slaughter. Comic spoiler below (highlight to read):

In the comics, Maggie is pregnant and she doesn't want to raise their baby since they've all gone crazy in her eyes.

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^ switch over to Game of Thrones if you want another show to "binge watch". ;)
i'm usually really into anything medieval like that but GOTs just didn't hook me in. Even listening to the books while in the car with mr snick, it was something I could turn off and not be addicted

I want to, I have the first two seasons, but my wife wants to watch it too so that's out.

I'm good with the game right now so I'll see what I do after.

I want to, I have the first two seasons, but my wife wants to watch it too so that's out.
That's an easy one, just act surprised the 2nd time you see it. ;)
This is the exact reason why my husband watched till the end of Lost and I haven't seen the last two seasons. Pissed me off so bad we still bicker about it.

Glenn and Maggie went because they promised they would go no matter what in 12 hrs. I bet its Morgan with Darryl too. They better not kill off Carol. I am really liking this season. I hope they can keep up the pace.

So this episode must have been a flashback from the previous episode, right? I wonder if Daryl and Carol planned it so Carol would get caught. Next week should be a good one.
