The Walking Dead

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Popular game ‘The Walking Dead’ finally comes to Google Play

Last year we learned that the popular TellTale game The Walking Dead was on its way to the Android-based Ouya, marking the first time the game had ever graced an Android device. At the time we wondered whether or not the game would eventually make its way to other Android devices as well. Today we get our answer, as the Walking Dead: Season One has finally arrived to Google Play.

Although many of you have probably already played this on another platform like the PC or a game console, for the uninitiated, the Walking Dead is a popular zombie apocalypse comic and television series, which also spun off a very successful episodic video game series.

The game focuses primarily on different characters than from the television show and is full of tough decisions that will follow you throughout the episodes. The first episode of the game is yours for absolutely free, though the remaining 4 episodes and the extra 400 Days DLC are offered via an in-app purchase.

So is this one worth picking up? The answer to that depends. If you’ve already purchased and beat all five episodes of the Walking Dead, it’s probably not worth repurchasing. For those that have never played it before and at are all into survival games with solid storylines? We absolutely recommend this game.
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okay so last nights premier made up for the entire "suck" factor of the entire last season.. of course I am afraid half the season will be more walking around in the woods...

& _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ BACK!!!!!!

Slight Spoiler!

Did you notice that the blonde guy that was killed at the trough was Sam from an earlier episode? He was one half of the couple that Rick and Carol met right before Carol was exiled.

I had to look it up. I guess they n ever showed his body but we all assumed he had gotten bitten...guess he is dead now!

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For season 4 you can just watch the first episode & the last episode because everything in between is terribly boring

Season opener was great. Finally got everyone back together. Notice they didn't show him actually killing the guy he promised to kill. Carol is my new favorite character.

finally finished season 3... also while a friend was at "walker con" in Atlanta, she got a personalized autographed photo of "Merle" made out for my husband for Christmas for me...

...trying to figure out who everybody is that goodal is talking about since I kind of feel like everyone is dead now.

I really thought they would get several episodes out of terminus. Oh well, back to the road.

I think they were using a mustard based BBQ sauce though.....

That scene reminds me of how Dale died in the comics. if they are tying that together then it will be bad news for the cannibals..

How did Dale die in the comics?

After a scuffle with a small group of zombies, Dale is bitten on his shoulder. At first, he concealed his wound and attempted to leave, sparing Andrea the pain of seeing him like this. Before he could die, he was captured by the Hunters and wakes up to find half of his other leg had been eaten by them. Rick, Michonne, Abraham, and Andrea rescue him, murdering the entire group of Hunters. After Dale makes his dying statement to Rick, he spends his last minutes with Andrea.
Ok, why in the freakin, zombie filled world did everybody decide it was a good idea to go walking around in the dark? That made no sense whatsoever. By my count they broke at least 3 rules.

Rule 43: Don't go outside after dark unless absolutely necessary. Needing a good cry is not a good reason.

Rule 67: Don't go anywhere by yourself, ESPECIALLY AFTER DARK (see rule 43).

Rule 81: If you break rules 43 and or 67, take a freakin weapon with you.

I threwup a little watching the last dinner scene. That looked like a good chunk of roast.

two questions from last night:

1) why did Glenn and Maggie go with Eugene?

2) Who the F was that with Darryl last night in the woods?
