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gas was down to $3.29 a gal when I got into town this wednesday afternoon it will likely be back up $3.59 for no other reason than it is wed afternoon and that is when the gas stations in town raise prices for the weekend

I've been paying right around the 3.60/gal mark for gas for a few weeks now. I too, use premium...

I rarely fill the car so I never know what gas is. Advantage of living within 2 miles of pretty much everywhere I need to go.

The only part about that that I find weird is a guy named Sandie (assuming it's a guy since they've been married for 20 years).

on the way to daycare this morning minisnick said Mom don't drive your car...let the car drive itself. I told him I wish it could drive itself, but that is probably still 10-20 yrs away from being standard for a car.

another day without goverment. and the IRS. I'm pretty sure that my taxes are still being withheld from my paycheck.

I like turning in a homework assignment only to get the next one right away..........said no one ever.

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