Master slacker
Something awesome.
Air filter tip of the day. Take out the foam or paper element and stretch panty hose over the part that is exposed from the filter box. Most of the sticky dust and dirt will stick to it making for easier cleanup
or buy a new one for $3Air filter tip of the day. Take out the foam or paper element and stretch panty hose over the part that is exposed from the filter box. Most of the sticky dust and dirt will stick to it making for easier cleanup
we might do that next time.I buy my John Deere blades on amazon. Cheaper than the Deere dealer.
Never changed oil or air filter in my craftsman mower. Never a problem starting even after 7 years.
Does anyone replace the blade and/or have it sharpened at all? I think I read somewhere that every other year was a good rule of thumb to either replace it or have it sharpened. Just curious.