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I was having back issues for a while (Sept-Nov last year). I had aggrivated it while playing softball and it never really got better after softball season ended. The only thing that seemed to help was putting a small pillow under my low back while I slept. After a couple weeks of that, we ended up buying a new mattress and everything felt fine after that. We came to realize that we had been sleeping on a 12 yr old mattress that we had bought for a few hundred dollars and had been through about a half dozen moves. Needless to say, it was well beyond it's expected life span and a couple of the internal springs had finally let go (right around the area of my low back).

a local funiture store just started an ad campaign saying the life of a mattress is ~8 years and urging that if you mattress is over 8 yo then it should be replaced period. We have a firm mattress that's at least 10-12 years old and still feels ok to me. I'm not sure if it needs to be replaced. Kind of like my 35 in. CRT tv.

I was having back issues for a while (Sept-Nov last year). I had aggrivated it while playing softball and it never really got better after softball season ended. The only thing that seemed to help was putting a small pillow under my low back while I slept. After a couple weeks of that, we ended up buying a new mattress and everything felt fine after that. We came to realize that we had been sleeping on a 12 yr old mattress that we had bought for a few hundred dollars and had been through about a half dozen moves. Needless to say, it was well beyond it's expected life span and a couple of the internal springs had finally let go (right around the area of my low back).

I used to have a bad lower back from a car accident. I slept on the floor for 6 months and it has been god ever since ~ 10 years ago.

mattress life totally depends on the mattress itself. we replaced ours last year because we were waking up with back pain, it was 10 yrs old...the life expectancy listed when we bought it.

Our new mattress has a 30 yr warranty with it. I dont believe our old one was expected to last 5...

We just replaced our mattress with a Tempurpedic cloud luxe. In my case, I strained something a couple times and don't know what I need yet to get better. Hoping to know more at this afternoon's PT. Also hoping a Chiropractor can help shed some insight. It hurts to hold a deep breath tighten my ab muscles and sit up straight. Always in the mornings, and fades towards the end of the day. Exercising has almost came to a halt.

We just replaced our mattress with a Tempurpedic cloud luxe. In my case, I strained something a couple times and don't know what I need yet to get better. Hoping to know more at this afternoon's PT. Also hoping a Chiropractor can help shed some insight. It hurts to hold a deep breath tighten my ab muscles and sit up straight. Always in the mornings, and fades towards the end of the day. Exercising has almost came to a halt.

Might still be the mattress. This was the symptom when my back was hurting. I almost couldn't stand up straight during my shower after I first got up in the morning, but was fine by the end of the day. Just because it's new, doesn't mean it's giving you the support your back needs.

We just replaced our mattress with a Tempurpedic cloud luxe. In my case, I strained something a couple times and don't know what I need yet to get better. Hoping to know more at this afternoon's PT. Also hoping a Chiropractor can help shed some insight. It hurts to hold a deep breath tighten my ab muscles and sit up straight. Always in the mornings, and fades towards the end of the day. Exercising has almost came to a halt.

Might still be the mattress. This was the symptom when my back was hurting. I almost couldn't stand up straight during my shower after I first got up in the morning, but was fine by the end of the day. Just because it's new, doesn't mean it's giving you the support your back needs.
I doubt it. When my back is wrenched, it hurts in the evening and in the morning, no matter where I sleep. I think it is just the lack of movement for 6+ hours that makes the joints stiffen up. Once they loosen by getting up and around, it eases the pain a little.

Also, whenever I have a cold, I always feel worse at night and in the morning, but I can usually function during the day.

Between previous mattresses, hotels, bed & breakfasts, friends & family... etc. the best nights rest I've ever gotten were on either Tempurpedics or hotels. We bought an Ikea memory foam mattress a couple years ago, but it turned out to be too stiff even with toppers and such. Went for the Tempurpedic back in Oct. and have slept fine on it. Back problem started while we were away on xmas break, I doubt it's the mattress.

Had PT on Friday, got some pokes and prods & Ice pack w/ electical muscle stimulation. Left with some small movement routines to do to help strengthen the minor spinal support muscles. Woke up on Sunday morning with noticably less pain and even less this morning. I'm very happy with the progression, and think my followup on Wed. should be good.

I seriously need to count my blessings. BabyYMZ got the flu last week and the poor thing is still suffering. Same with Mr. YMZ and my extended family. I got it a couple days ago and am already better except for a few sharp pains in my head. I usually don't recover this quickly, but I'm so grateful for it so I'm able to take care of my family.

That sucks, YMZ. Do both of your little one have it, or just babyYMZ? Glad that you're feeling better, it sucks trying to take care of your kids when you are as sick as they are. Did ya'll get the flu shot?

Thanks snick and Ble. We didn't get the flu shot, but we'll try it next season. I think MiniYMZ got it, but thankfully had no symptoms other than a runny nose.

I'm not convinced the flu shot makes a real lot of differene. I always get it because it's free and they offer it right here in the office

^I'm not sure either, but I figure that it can't hurt. I usually get it when I go in for my yearly check-up in October. Never got one until we had kids, though, and <knock on wood> I haven't had the flu in years.

wishing for a speedy recovery for all in the YMZ household


I'm not convinced the flu shot makes a real lot of differene. I always get it because it's free and they offer it right here in the office

Well the way I understand it is it is just such a shot (no pun intended) in dark to really make any difference. There are such an unfathomable number of flu strains out there. And each year, they try to guess at the strain to go with to develop the flu shot for that year. IIRC, I believe some statistical models were developed to show that you'd have a better chance at winning the lottery multiple times in a row then being able to guess the correct flu strain.

^That's my take on the whole flu shot situation too. Unless you are going to be exposed to the flu regularly, like the medical field, I really don't see much point.

The only two times I had a flu shot, I got the flu. So I quit getting them. It is really a crap shoot as to whether they'll get the strains you are exposed to.

I did hear a report that the flu season is worse this year because they got the wrong strain. I heard it once on the CBS nightly news, but never again. of course, they told you to go on out and get a shot anyway.

I suspect this is nothing more than a racket to get $$$ for the vaccine manufacturers.
