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It'll behoova to care for your uvula

cdc: best wishes for a speedy report of a negative finding.

Well I finally bit the bullet and had the Dr write up a referal to an allergist since meds aren't really working anymore. I go Friday for scratch/prick tests to figure out WTF I'm allergic to in order to start shots. I really should have done this yrs ago.

I wonder if the good dr will sacrific my back or my arm for the tests. Anyone ever go through the allergy tests? Just wondering how likely it will be that I can head back to work or if I am going to be beyond miserable.

I had them done, but I was six so i don't really remember. You can't take second gen allergy meds (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra) for two weeks prior to the skin tests, and you can't take first gen (benedryl, etc) for a couple days before. To me that would be the worst part.

I have resisted allergy treatments because I have a phobia about needles, but I hear they have oral treatments now.

A friend of mine just had the tests done and they made her back swell up--she said it was really itchy. . .if you can take a benedryl afterward you'd probably fine.

This dr just said a week of no meds, pseudophed was ok until 2 days before, but it will be closer to 2 weeks by the time friday rolls around. Yeah that part does suck seeing as mr snicks folks were visiting and they have 2 cats and heat their house via the fireplace in the winter.

I had allergy tests done a few years ago and they used my back. I don't remember it being much of a problem afterwards, but the doc gave me a prescription for Zyrtec (tells you how long ago it was) which helped for a while. Once Zyrtec became over-the-counter, it never really worked that well for me. I haven't gone back to get re-evaluated, but I do remember that particular doc was against shots because he said their effectiveness starts to wear off after a few years and isn't worth some of the side effects.

My cousin just had a full allergy test done on his back before he came up for Christmas. He had the scratch test done the morning before he got on the airplane, so I don't think you should have any trouble going to work afterwards.

My cousin just had a full allergy test done on his back before he came up for Christmas. He had the scratch test done the morning before he got on the airplane, so I don't think you should have any trouble going to work afterwards.and was miserable so I think you should plan on taking a day or two off.

Got a call today from the Dr. and it's a benign tumor. They told me at the biopsy that they wouldn't release results over the phone, but I guess that's only true if it's bad news. So the moral of the story is that if you have a biopsy and they make you come in, you're in trouble.

As I'm concerned, I'm cured. Whew!!!!
