--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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The only thing that hurts worse than dislocating it is resetting it...

All I've got hurting right now out of the ordinary are my ribs. When the wagon is on the trailer, you can't open the door, so I have to go through the window nascar style, and twisted the wrong way on Saturday.

It's barely even fall though, and my allergies are already tearing me a new one.

The only thing that hurts worse than dislocating it is resetting it...
I've never had an issue with that. Mine only pops out when my arm is in certain positions (usually over my head) and it pops back into place on it's own almost as soon as I lower my arm. That process is pretty quick, and while it is uncomfortable it doesn't hurt much. What sucks is the next few days when my shoulder is sore and I just can't seem to find a comfortable position for my arm. It'll go away after a day or two. Until then I just have a dull aching reminder that I was being stupid. :(

I spent a whopping two hours at the doctor's office for my annual physical, and sure enough, I'm sick today! Stuffy nose, sore throat, I can't win...

I caught that one, too. But not from the Dr.'s - from my family. I can't believe I held it off as long as I did, but you just can't escape the crud, when everyone living under your roof has it.

Ugghh. This is the kind where your eyes water uncontrollably. I hate that.

I caught that one, too. But not from the Dr.'s - from my family. I can't believe I held it off as long as I did, but you just can't escape the crud, when everyone living under your roof has it.
Ugghh. This is the kind where your eyes water uncontrollably. I hate that.
welcome to my life from mid-september to thanksgiving.

Everything I'm on lately has given me the worst cotton mouth ever.

no I don't need stitches. my mom tried to convince me to go to the ER, but I hate going to there. It's probably going to be an ugly scar, but the bleeding stopped pretty fast.

Try superglue! The stuff was originally invented as a liquid suture. I've used it (accidentally) to seal a pretty decent gash in my thumb.

Ugh. Got the bodily purges Friday morning. Missed the fair. Oh well, there's always next year.

Made the unwise decision to mow the lawn Saturday so mr snick could work on the the bathroom...i paid royalling sunday for it. broke down and bought allergy/sinus stuff...wow they must put a stimulant in that stuff to make it non-drowsy. It took forever to fall asleep last night.

I got a rotten night of sleep last night too. We busted out the fleece sheets since its getting cooler, which are a lot warmer than your standard cotton sheets. I spent most of the night sticking out this foot, or pulling one of the blankets off my shoulders, etc. and couldn't get comfy. I was always the wrong temperature.

Made the unwise decision to mow the lawn Saturday so mr snick could work on the the bathroom...i paid royalling sunday for it. broke down and bought allergy/sinus stuff...wow they must put a stimulant in that stuff to make it non-drowsy. It took forever to fall asleep last night.
The clariton 12 hr should come with a major disclaimer as to your functionallity after taking it, but man does that stuff work...
