The Hangover appreciation thread

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I almost pissed myself watching stepbrothers.
Ok Lemme think.

I thought Talladega Nights was good. There is also Stranger than Fiction but I don't think its a comedy.
Talladega Nights was not good. It was the equivalent of listening to 90 minutes of fart jokes. As was Stepbrothers, as is any movie starring Will Ferrel. Sure, the odd low brow joke here or there is funny, but to try and make a whole movie out of them (let alone many) is an abomination.

Talladega Nights was not good. It was the equivalent of listening to 90 minutes of fart jokes. As was Stepbrothers, as is any movie starring Will Ferrel. Sure, the odd low brow joke here or there is funny, but to try and make a whole movie out of them (let alone many) is an abomination.
It seems to work out well for Mr. Farrell (the lone exception being Semi-Pro).

How many people were interviewing you at once?

I had an interview with Pulte Homes when I just graduate college that was the worst interview I ever been in. Glad I didn't accept the job. There were 3 guys in the room with a circular table. The table had 3 chairs. I sat in one and two guys sat accross from me. The third interviewer sat behind me taking notes quitely, didn't say a word. The two guys in front of me proceeded to do the good guy bad guy routine on me while the guy behind me took feverish notes about my body language. What a bunch of douche bags.

Old School was the top of his acting career

I think some comedy actors, such as will ferrell and others cant really go solo on a good comedy like they always try and do, they need the others around them

Caddyshack, Animal House, and all the great ones all had 4 or 5 knockout comedians on the set which makes for a much better movie in my opinion

especially most of the interview was videotaped, the interviewing agents didnt seem to have much of a sense of humor, so I had to keep mine under-wraps (for anyone that knows me is hard to do)
None of their agents have a sense of humor. I (and all my friends, neighbors and family) have to talk to them every few years for my job, and those guys never smile. I have to warn all my references not to joke (yeah, he's a great guy, except all these russians keep coming by his house. ha ha) with those guys, because they take everything so serious. I'd be interested to see if those guys act that way outside or work, or if their training hasn't affected their normal lives.

There's an FBI agent at our church. He's an absolute riot. It's only one data point though. He may be the only guy there with a sense of humor.

My best friend is a giant Will Ferrel fan and I struggle with it, because while I will occasionally giggle at something in one of his films, mostly I'm just hanging on. I feel the same way about Jim Carrey. However, I'd like to put Elf out there as a pretty decent Will Ferrel movie.

I thought The Hangover was much more like Judd Apatow movies. Does anyone remember Late World with Zach? It was the show with Zach Galifianakis as the host? I was in the audience of one of the shows as part of spring break.

You know who's also a humorless bunch? TSA. Not the actual people wanding you at the airport, but the guys doing the paper pushing.

Sweet, just got the email from netflix that it's on it's way!! Something to look forward to tonight!!

I'd like to put Elf out there as a pretty decent Will Ferrel movie.
Elf was a decent movie, and you know what separates it from all the other Will Ferrell movies? It had a plot and wasn't 90 minutes of jokes about bodily functions.

I'll pile on. Elf is the only Will Ferrel movie that I might watch again. I might even let my kid watch that one. All the others are pretty much junk IMO.

There's an FBI agent at our church. He's an absolute riot. It's only one data point though. He may be the only guy there with a sense of humor.
He is definitely only one data point, and if he acts that way at the office he probably won't make management.

My old Army buddy stayed in when I got out joined Special Forces and started at the FBI about a year ago he says "douche bag" is the default personality. His words not mine.

It makes sense thought as a bunch of agents are lawyers, and if you ever even tried any illicit drugs you are out, and it was started by J Edgar Hoover so three giant strikes against having funny people right there.

Oh, and i didn't like Ron Burgandy first time around, it was just o.k. but I watched it sober in a theater. Watched it another time in a bar after a few beers and loved the one liners. Talledega Nights I enjoyed, saw it at one of the BrewNViews here in Portland. Some movies just need chemical enhancement. Super Troopers is on that list.

But Old School and The Hangover were real funny and I saw both sober.

One word of warning, beware the hype. Movies are much more enjoyable if you aren't expecting them to "change your life" so to speak.

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Do you have to have prior military service to be an FBI agent? Just wonderin, not trying to change my career.

If you liked Old School and the Hangover then you should definatley like Stepbrothers. Give it a shot.

I have officially boycotted anything Will Ferrell after Ron Burgundy. Despite the fact I ususally like that kind of humor, I refuse to watch Elf, Step Brothers, and Blades of Glory, because somehow he has made that comedy not funny anymore. I think a couple other movies that fall into this same category are Super Bad and Pineapple Express. The previews showed the only funny parts, the movie just filled it in with meaningless boring plot.

You forgot to mention Semi Pro.

I thought Super Bad was great. I'm a big fan of Michael Serra. Did you like Year One? I thought that was good. I like Jack Black too. One of my favorite comedies is Nacho Libre but you need to be bilingual to get most of the jokes.

Man I loved Taladega Nights and Step Brothers...some of the humor was kind of stupid but I laughed my a$$ off during both of them...I use that line at work..."I get up every morning and piss excellence" or something to that effect

it was an interesting process, but they were seeking out people who were not lawyers, at the time I went through the process they were looking for engineers, computer science people, ex military, and local / state law enforcement, I think since I hit two of those I got a "call back"

most everyone I met with was very professional and also very introverted (sp?)

the Phase II interview as they call it us usually your last hurdle, the guy that did the polygraph I know didnt like me (I had a mailbox baseball incident when I was 14) the FBI recruiter said those things are not a big deal since I hadnt had anything else on my record since, and only 2 speeding tickets. However the polygrapher asked multiple questions about something that had happened more than 15 years ago at the time.

But whatever my body did when he asked me if i had "ever sold illegal drugs for profit" put a black flag on me. I had already received a start date for Quantico, packing list, etc, passed their physical fitness test, passed all of the background stuff minus the polygraph, then I got a nasty letter from them about wasting their time and a rescend of their preliminary employment offer... I had a TS clearance in the military, and took the exact same polygraph (questions) multiple times and never had any issues. I never understood how they would just toss everything based on that, I joined the military at 17, had been taking drug test my entire military career (even in the reserves) and I didnt think people that had become commissioned officers in the military partook in that type of stuff. friends of mine that are cops and in military intell have sinice told me that if the polygrapher doesnt like you your pretty much screwed...

oh well probably for the best, although I think it would have been a really cool job..


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