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Just checking in as I do every couple of months... pour a cold one, suck it down... I know I am doing that right now... carry on...

aren't flat bottom tacos supposed to stand up... $hi+ for real... what's the point if they just fall overI real need to be myl d own boss. I worked "" allt day...then came hom and ctully did work. but I have a to go to wra wo a work tomorrow. i'ca i'c i've not a been in an hora hoa hourly position that actually pays my hours in 10 years... time clocks a can be a good thing for a ap ap ap a person like me. i nedc to get up in 6.5 hours... PLANTy PLENT

PLENTY of tai time to sleep1!! GO PANATERS

If I got more hangovers I wouldn't show up around here so much...

if PJ ends up the next internet grumpy cat then I get money, right?


You are not an engineer, your argument is invalid.

Checking out of hotel tomorrow morning around 6 means I've got one pale ale and 3/4 bottle of Myers rum to pound before the night is through. Oh, have a final exam for a training class tomorrow too?

Tonight's going to be bad. I have had nothing but coffee all day and I've been outside all day. Alcohol can only help the situation, right?

Ok so tonight I gait to the bar and got rampart chore of something . Dammit autocorrect you sicn, it awas aw called snake bite an stone second picture was a smoothie. Both JA d Guinness but nor had something and the other had angry orchard . They as wood and we as Los of main without the boys but. I fell like throwing pop but I don't want to. O had the wifeywife flossing so I'm still awake but is dont expect to be very ling. I like you guys. You are nice


Man being within a 1/4 mile walk home from the Mexican restaurant ain't gonna be a good thing...

Sunday = drink all day... Hey, the company safety officer wants us to return home how we arrive at work... Does he really mean hungover????

Ok so tonight I gait to the bar and got rampart chore of something . Dammit autocorrect you sicn, it awas aw called snake bite an stone second picture was a smoothie. Both JA d Guinness but nor had something and the other had angry orchard . They as wood and we as Los of main without the boys but. I fell like throwing pop but I don't want to. O had the wifeywife flossing so I'm still awake but is dont expect to be very ling. I like you guys. You are nice


I will attempt to translate my ramblings.

Ok, so tonight I got to the bar and got a pitcher of something. Dammit autocorrect you suck. It was called Snakebite and a second pitcher was a Smoothie. Both had Guinness, but one had something (Abita Turbodog) and the other had Angry Orchard. They was good and we ??? without the boys, but I feel like throwing up but I don't want to. Oh and the wifeywife is flossing so I'm still awake, but I don't expect to be very long. I like you guys. You are nice.

What a train wreck! :lmao:
