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Come to Boston.   There's lots of good beer here. 
I went to Boston once. Ate at a restaurant called Limoncello. Sat across from Sam Adams' grave and drank Sam adams beer.

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Sam A is the 2nd largest US owned brewer after yingling which I can't spell.  They missed the boat on craft beer.  Harpoon in southie is much closer.   However, Trillium is bostons best beer.  

I'll still drink Sam, but it is just so so. 

Ulless u have a bottle O Utopias good stuff. 

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I'll still drink Sam, but it is just so so. 
Yea Sam was my gateway beer. Octoberfest. Outside of shit like keystone and other water like substances used for beef pong and other situations I mostly stuck to liquor of the hard and malt varietoes

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Awe yiss

I thought it said "pizza and blow" at first. That caught my attention. 

I think I can consider myself still all up in this bitch right now.  Went to a restaurant last night where the margaritas flow like wine.  had a few
