The Breakfast Thread

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Siggi's does make higher fat yogurts
I love Siggi's whole fat yogurt! Our grocery store used to carry it, but then replaced it with the fat free stuff. I haven't been able to find it anywhere else now. Maybe I'll check our whole foods.

That used to be one of my primary sources of fat before they stopped carrying it.

I love Siggi's whole fat yogurt! Our grocery store used to carry it, but then replaced it with the fat free stuff. I haven't been able to find it anywhere else now. Maybe I'll check our whole foods.

That used to be one of my primary sources of fat before they stopped carrying it.
So I used to be a Siggi's ambassador LOL. Whole Foods tend to have the widest variety of Siggis with the other national(ish) chains having an OK variety and then local chains even less. Target also carries it. You can use the store locator on their website to help you out. 

I literally only buy nonfat greek yogurt because it's the only type Costco has in the big containers.  I don't think I've ever had full-fat yogurt, but I'm sure the texture and taste is amazing!  And I totes agree with not going to WF on a's a mad house.
makes sense - most people are ok with non-fat yogurt. but with higher fat yogurt, you're fuller longer, even if you eat a smaller portion. which is why i like it.

I also like Green Mountain Creamery 5% greek. That's probably my fave. I like Fage, Siggis too. And a couple of local farms have yogurts I like. Cabot greek yogurt is gross, which is disappointing. It's also disappointing that Stonyfield Farm sold out to Dannon. 

I have strong feelings about yogurt. 

makes sense - most people are ok with non-fat yogurt. but with higher fat yogurt, you're fuller longer, even if you eat a smaller portion. which is why i like it.

I also like Green Mountain Creamery 5% greek. That's probably my fave. I like Fage, Siggis too. And a couple of local farms have yogurts I like. Cabot greek yogurt is gross, which is disappointing. It's also disappointing that Stonyfield Farm sold out to Dannon. 

I have strong feelings about yogurt. 
Yeah, I think the only reason the non-fat yogurt makes me stay full for so long is because I usually add raspberries, honey, and/or a bit of granola to it.  I could never eat it plain/with nothing else in it.  I could def see myself getting ultra hungry is that was it.

I am def going to look to see what else Costco offers on yogurt.  I like buying the big containers, instead of the individuals, since it's cheaper and easier to not run out.  I think they have Fage in a big container, but it might be fat-free as well.  I like eating things full fat, I like using whole milk, but I def use smaller quantities when I have those.

Yeah, I think the only reason the non-fat yogurt makes me stay full for so long is because I usually add raspberries, honey, and/or a bit of granola to it.  I could never eat it plain/with nothing else in it.  I could def see myself getting ultra hungry is that was it.

I am def going to look to see what else Costco offers on yogurt.  I like buying the big containers, instead of the individuals, since it's cheaper and easier to not run out.  I think they have Fage in a big container, but it might be fat-free as well.  I like eating things full fat, I like using whole milk, but I def use smaller quantities when I have those.
You can get smaller large containers at Aldis (&whatever other store you go to) - they're typically 32oz.

You can get smaller large containers at Aldis (&whatever other store you go to) - they're typically 32oz.
I'll check it out.  I do most of my shopping at Alid and/or Costco, tbh, and I love Costco for some of my 'expensive' stuff, but I don't need organic veggies for everything.  LOWER MAH DAMN BILLS, COSTCO.

Scrambled eggs, side of smoked sausage, Orange Dreamsicle Reign.

coffee x1 (because I ran out at work and won't use kcups), fruit smoothie, oatmeal packet (&water)

3 fried eggs, the last slice of mangled homemade bread

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