The Baking Thread

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DEF CHECK OUT ALL THEIR STUFF.  I love KAF; they do a lot of bread/baking experiments and are always playing around in their test kitchen.  They also show you how to do neat bread braiding/displays that look awesome!
Oh I know KAF very well. I use only their flours (until I get my hands on a Mockmill to mill my own flour), they are who I got my starter from, and I used to live in VT. I actually used a recipe from them for my first faux sourdough loaf, faux because it had some yeast in it. It tasted pretty good! It was the Merlin's Magic Sourdough Bread recipe.

I've been intrigued by their bakealongs in the past, too! But have never done one. All my baking happens on the weekends and I don't seem to have ever made the time to do one.

Staub?? Le Creuset?? You EBers must be rich!!
HA.  And I'm the one over here with a discount Kenmore thinking I've hit the jackpot.  I'm but a poor baker/engineer, striving to make good flavor combos without burning the house down.

@leggo PE I love KAF products!  I'm really lucky because the BJs near me carries both their regular flour, bread flour, and, sometimes, their whole wheat flour in bigger bags than I'd get from the specialty store/ordering direct.  I have two huge containers to hold a full 10-lb bag, and that's enough for my tinkering.  Milling your own flour!  Shit, you're way more advanced than me!  I do know a couple of private bakeries that do make their own flour...but their end-product is so expensive, I'm not sure I would actually use any flour I bought from them, in fear of messing up my bread somehow and not making it worthwhile of their efforts?

And their bakealongs are really fun!  They have them posted all year long, and it's nice if you're making some a little out of your normal to have all the pictures so you can follow along.  I did one recently, and it came out really good!


Also, starting my random baking thought:

I want to make ranger cookies, but want to make them dairy free.  I am thinking a 1:1 substitution of crisco/shortening for the butter in the traditional recipe.  I think the shortening will keep the cookies from spreading as much/not browning as much, though, which is one of the big draw of that type of cookie (they're kinda flat/brown/delicious).  I want to research more dairy-free cookie things due to someone in my office having a bad lactose allergy.  

But then again, butter has more water in its structure, so technically I would need to use less crisco?  I need to research this more/play around with mini-batches this weekend.

I have noooo idea about Crisco/shortening vs butter. Honestly, I hardly ever bake with that type of shortening (if ever), and I even am uneasy by putting a lot of butter in a recipe.  :blush:

had you considered using vegan butter sticks

Woahhhh shots fired! You're talking with a licensed civil engineer. :p

I dunno, I've certainly never tried vegan butter, haha. Just saw it in that KAF blog post.

Now there's something I'd be proud to get diabetes from.

@FLBuff PE Turkey bacon nowadays is the bomb!  Specifically because I am allergic to regular bacon!  At least this way I can just be seen as a pretentious hipster for not eating bacon as opposed to the usual, "You're allergic?  But bacon is soooo good."  Thanks Sharon, I know that, but unless I want my throat to close up, I'll have to pass.

ALSO.  BAKING PLANS FOR TONIGHT: I'm thinking pumpkin snickerdoodles?  I made some pumpkin spice a couple days ago (I like cloves AND allspice in my mix, and most commercially made ones don't use cloves), and I have an opened container of pumpkin puree I've got to use.  I'll post results if I actually go through with it.

@FLBuff PE Turkey bacon nowadays is the bomb!  Specifically because I am allergic to regular bacon!  At least this way I can just be seen as a pretentious hipster for not eating bacon as opposed to the usual, "You're allergic?  But bacon is soooo good."  Thanks Sharon, I know that, but unless I want my throat to close up, I'll have to pass.

ALSO.  BAKING PLANS FOR TONIGHT: I'm thinking pumpkin snickerdoodles?  I made some pumpkin spice a couple days ago (I like cloves AND allspice in my mix, and most commercially made ones don't use cloves), and I have an opened container of pumpkin puree I've got to use.  I'll post results if I actually go through with it.
Do you need addresses to send us cookies? You know, like if you make too many?

Do you need addresses to send us cookies? You know, like if you make too many?
My office has already been warned.  I think after two or three days of them groaning about more baked goods, I may expand into territory.  I have a list of x-mas cookies I need to try first.  Also want to tinker with pie (though I hate making shells).  We'll see if people like the pictures first!

How is that even possible?  What, specifically, are you allergic to?  Pork, salt, or maple syrup?
I actually went to an allergist, who proved I was allergic (a 3+ on a scale of 4), and as I've gotten older my reaction to it has gotten worse every time I've accidentally (or not so accidentally) chowed down.  Not sure exactly how I am allergic, if it is a process or the nitrates or if I got bitten by a tick, but I know it does not end well for me when I eat it (severe migraine, nausea, throat gets really scratchy/starts to close).  Interestingly enough, one of my cousins has a similar allergy, so it might just be a weird recessive gene that my family has?
