So, sitting stranded along I-75 is squarely on me for: 1) assuming the guy I got the trailer from wasn’t a complete moron, and 2) not checking the tires closer than I did.
1) First red flag should have been the fact the tires he put on it weren’t even trailer tires. They were standard all-season car tires.
2) The tires didn’t look bad when I checked the pressure the day before we left, but that was sitting in the driveway cold. After 4 hours of interstate driving, the one that didn’t blow up is all cracked to hell. I’m not even sure how old these things were because I had to lookup the codes for tire date codes because it kinda looks like the code is pre-2000. If I’m reading this right, best case is they were made the 31st week of 1999.
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