the apple watch?

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If you're out backpacking/camping, a cellphone should be one of many tools in your bag. Any smart back-country adventurer knows you never rely on only one tool too heavily.

Unless it is a Map and Compass. You can never rely too heavily on those two pieces of equipment.

Edit - it has to be a map of the correct area though.

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And your compass is a good one.


See all the white (no coverage) zones on this map? That is where I live, as well as where work and play often takes place. So, it doesn't matter if I have iOS or Droid, Apple or Samsung/HTC/LG.

The coverage maps are BS. The one for my old residence said I had coverage, but unless you were using a cell phone repeater with a yagi antenna 60' above grade you had no signal. Even with the repeater, you were lucky to get two signal strength bars. It was a hole, plain and simple.

iPhone 4s = poor reception, not surprising. <insert snarky meme here>

were talking further away from civilization than that.... but the tops of the mountains within around 60 miles from I-70 usually have cell service, but from the trail head to the top, naddah..

I can also get minimal reception in my BIL's plane at some pretty decent altitudes. Just sayin'.

I'll take you almost ANYWHERE off the road system (and a few locations on it) where it won't matter what phone you have, or carrier, you will NOT have signal.

The coverage maps on the major carriers are fairly accurate for AK on the road system. I say fairly because they don't properly account for terrain in most locations.

If you are referring to just the lower 48 areas, then sure, you're more likely to have signals in remote locations. But I can really show you the true meaning of Remote!
As long as I can bring my amplifier/repeater equipment.


I think the father / son from Minnesota that died trying to hike Mt. Evans last year had didn't help them not freeze to death either

^ Accepted. When should I expect your arrival?
Just as soon as your growler supply is re-stocked. :D


I think the father / son from Minnesota that died trying to hike Mt. Evans last year had didn't help them not freeze to death either
Bummer. They could have had some camping supplies delivered via drone from Amazon.

So will this watch come with a case that RG won't be able to wear the rubber off of by sticking it in a place his wife prefers not to?
