Uncanny Pompadour
Came across this and found it kind of interesting.
Radiant Energy
This natural energy can perform the same wonders as ordinary electricity at less than 1% of the cost. It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which has contributed to the scientific community’s misunderstanding of it. The Methernitha Community in Switzerland currently has 5 or 6 working models of fuelless, self-running devices that tap this energy. Nikola Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, T. Henry Moray’s radiant energy device, Edwin Gray’s EMA motor, and Paul Baumann’s Testatika machine all run on radiant energy. This natural energy form can be gathered directly from the environment or extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called fractionation. One of the earliest wireless telephones to be based on radiant energy was invented by Nikola Tesla. The device used transmitters and receivers whose resonances were tuned to the same frequency, allowing communication between them. In 1916, he recounted an experiment he had done in 1896. He recalled that “Whenever I received the effects of a transmitter, one of the simplest ways [to detect the wireless transmissions] was to apply a magnetic field to currents generated in a conductor, and when I did so, the low frequency gave audible notes.”
I started snooping around Testatika and the Methernitha Community (carrying a healthy dose of engineering skepticism with me) and found very little information. That's when I read:
Can one view the Thestatika in your community?
Our research group into alternative energy sources no longer exists, and the Thestatika can no longer be shown. None of the entries into the Internet regarding the Thestatika have been placed there with our knowledge or consent. We think that the Thestatika has helped to motivate people to find a way out of the dead-end of non-renewable energy sources.
Which got me to thinking:
If I had invented John Galt's static-electric auto-generator, this is exactly the same thing I would say.
Radiant Energy
This natural energy can perform the same wonders as ordinary electricity at less than 1% of the cost. It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which has contributed to the scientific community’s misunderstanding of it. The Methernitha Community in Switzerland currently has 5 or 6 working models of fuelless, self-running devices that tap this energy. Nikola Tesla’s magnifying transmitter, T. Henry Moray’s radiant energy device, Edwin Gray’s EMA motor, and Paul Baumann’s Testatika machine all run on radiant energy. This natural energy form can be gathered directly from the environment or extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called fractionation. One of the earliest wireless telephones to be based on radiant energy was invented by Nikola Tesla. The device used transmitters and receivers whose resonances were tuned to the same frequency, allowing communication between them. In 1916, he recounted an experiment he had done in 1896. He recalled that “Whenever I received the effects of a transmitter, one of the simplest ways [to detect the wireless transmissions] was to apply a magnetic field to currents generated in a conductor, and when I did so, the low frequency gave audible notes.”
I started snooping around Testatika and the Methernitha Community (carrying a healthy dose of engineering skepticism with me) and found very little information. That's when I read:
Can one view the Thestatika in your community?
Our research group into alternative energy sources no longer exists, and the Thestatika can no longer be shown. None of the entries into the Internet regarding the Thestatika have been placed there with our knowledge or consent. We think that the Thestatika has helped to motivate people to find a way out of the dead-end of non-renewable energy sources.
Which got me to thinking:
If I had invented John Galt's static-electric auto-generator, this is exactly the same thing I would say.
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