Teacher probably wasn't the best post-pr0n career move, I'll give you that.
Pretty much sums up the whole thread, IMO.
I agree with many of your viewpoints on this issue, but on the bigger picture, if you can't handle how the other side will argue with you, then you are better off not arguing/commenting in threads like these. I noticed you said that it bothers you for days, and I don't think that's what anyone here wants. We should come on this board for good discussion and to learn, etc. No reason to have our stressful lives made more so.
But, I will add, since I'm usually arguing the conservative side of issues, you need to understand that the progressives will say that they are inclusive, diverse, and understanding. But then, in the next breath will call you stupid, ignorant, bigot, racist, whatever. Ya gotta just let that roll off your back. If they, the inclusive person wants to 'exclude' you because of your differing idea, or the diverse person wants to degrade you because you are 'different' in thought, or the understanding person says your racist because they don't 'understand' things from your perspective, then just take it for what it is worth (nothing).
I don't think anyone's opinion is more right than anyone else's. My opinion is, that I'd rather not have a porn star teaching my children. If Joe's opinion is that he doesn't mind a porn star teaching his kids, then we have differing opinions. Plain and simple.
Sometimes it makes for good debates and conversations, but we must leave them at conversations and not take it or make it personal.
my $0.02