Teacher placed on leave

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Ive never voted for a democrat. And I admit I like Porn and Teachers ;)

and I think thats an impressive post for a droid / iphone / etc... I can barely bring myself to post on my ipod
The majority of my posts over the last 5 months have been from it.

Now back to the real world that has absolutes. You can't be "fairly liberal and fairly conservative". That's like saying your fairly tall and fairly short Pick one and own it.
I'm going to stay out of the main debate of this thread (no good can come of this), but these few sentences caught my attention. I don't feel the real world is made up of absolutes. Far from it. Thinking in absolutes closes off the opportunity to see things from other perspectives, which in my mind is a dangerous way of thinking.

Even your examples of absolutes aren't absolute (I'm going to steer clear of the political example). Being tall or short is relative. I'm tall compared to a tribe of African pygmies, but short compared to a group of NBA basketball players, or trees. Your absolute is dependent on your perspective, which means it is not an absolute.

My summary of the subject of the posting.

woman who worked as an adult film actress is currently working as a high school teacher.

The school district hired her as a high school teacher after doing all of the customary background checks.

A student somehow discovered her history as an adult film actress and approached her about it.

She went to the school committee and asked for a leave of absence for the remainder of the year, which was granted.

The same woman was suspended from a previous teaching position (suposedly for the same reasons).

OP implied question: What do you think?

My opinion: Her adult film background complicates her abilities to effectively teach at the high school level. Students have independently uncovered/exposed her past which creates enough of a disturbance where neither she nor the school department want to fight it. She needs to move on from her current job to .....? That is her choice but if she tries to continue her teaching career ithe situation will likely follow her. I think she may be an effective teacher at the prepubesent stage (pre-school/elementary school level) but of course she would then have to deal with parents like badal. I seriously doubt this woman flaunted her prior lifestyle in front of her students and, although I do not know this for a fact, I suspect she wasn't as free sexually as she may have been at one time in her life.

My interpretation of badal's opinion: Based on her participation in the adult film industry the woman has demonstrated that her moral standards are not consistent with the expectation of a teacher of children. She should be immediately terminated from her teaching job and prohibitied from teaching childeren at all. Which is the equvalent of stripping (yes pun intended) her of her teaching credentials. Some of badal's posts as a self-proclaimed "gun-totin', bible thumpin', tea part member" can be easily interpreted as an extremeist (as many of these type are).

edit: go for it, grammar nazis. IDC.

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If the tea party people are extremist, are they extremist in the 'fly planes into buildings' sense or extremist in the 'sit in lawn chairs with homemade signs' sense?

On topic, if there was something in my past that causes media blowouts like this lady's I would find something else to do where it wouldn't be a problem. What a distraction.

I have been following this post for a while. I would like to add my two cents if I may. Personally, I do not know this teacher, or truely anything about her. I do know a teacher who in the past had a "colorful" lifestyle, which did not involve making porn (as far as I know) but that teacher was a very good influence on not just my sons, but other students.

I do believe that each situation should be taken by a case by case basis. If enough of parents would attend parent teacher conferences, and their childs after school activities, they could and should draw their own opinions on who is teaching their children. As in the case of this teacher, I would hope that the decision that was made concerning her was not just on her past, but on her present influence on their children.

My youngest son had a teacher who was zealot when it came to her political beliefs and thrust them on her students and the way she graded their papers. As a parent, I was more concerned with how she influenced my son either positively or negatively on a political forum then who she flashed her breasts at years earlier.

On topic, if there was something in my past that causes media blowouts like this lady's I would find something else to do where it wouldn't be a problem. What a distraction.
Yeah, but "Did you know she used to be a pr0n star?" is going to follow her around no matter what. As soon as it became an issue, she rightly asked to be removed from the situation. I really don't know what she could have done that would have been less troublesome, but look at the ruckus that was raised even when she tried being low key.

I kinda feel bad for her in a way. She made choices when she was young that she's going to deal with for the rest of her life.

Teacher probably wasn't the best post-pr0n career move, I'll give you that.

Teacher probably wasn't the best post-pr0n career move, I'll give you that.
Pretty much sums up the whole thread, IMO.


I agree with many of your viewpoints on this issue, but on the bigger picture, if you can't handle how the other side will argue with you, then you are better off not arguing/commenting in threads like these. I noticed you said that it bothers you for days, and I don't think that's what anyone here wants. We should come on this board for good discussion and to learn, etc. No reason to have our stressful lives made more so.

But, I will add, since I'm usually arguing the conservative side of issues, you need to understand that the progressives will say that they are inclusive, diverse, and understanding. But then, in the next breath will call you stupid, ignorant, bigot, racist, whatever. Ya gotta just let that roll off your back. If they, the inclusive person wants to 'exclude' you because of your differing idea, or the diverse person wants to degrade you because you are 'different' in thought, or the understanding person says your racist because they don't 'understand' things from your perspective, then just take it for what it is worth (nothing).

I don't think anyone's opinion is more right than anyone else's. My opinion is, that I'd rather not have a porn star teaching my children. If Joe's opinion is that he doesn't mind a porn star teaching his kids, then we have differing opinions. Plain and simple.

Sometimes it makes for good debates and conversations, but we must leave them at conversations and not take it or make it personal.

my $0.02

But, I will add, since I'm usually arguing the conservative side of issues, you need to understand that the progressives will say that they are inclusive, diverse, and understanding. But then, in the next breath will call you stupid, ignorant, bigot, racist, whatever.
That's a universal truth all across the web that's always flummoxed me. I don't get it.


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I don't get it either.

I'm not aiming that at anyone on this board, but was also talking generally in life and on the internet.

It doesn't bother in the sense that I'm up all night making bombs kind of way (even though I am a lawn chair extremist). I don't even like getting people upset at me. I just want to portray my side as accurately as possible and hopefully be a good conservative influence. It does agravate me when I'm judged unfairly, like I guess it does everybody, which is when I started ranting a little.

I am surprised this thread has reached this levels without a single person asking the questions: Was she hot then? Is she hot now?

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To answer DK,

The first thing I did when reading this thread, was a quick Google.

Notice I didn't reference any pics. It should say enough. She looked more like a teacher...

(not that I haven't seen some awesome looking teachers)

Damn, I miss EB....

Three pages of trying to argue the unwinnable and NOT A SINGLE FUDGING PICTURE.

Why did I open this thread????

Damn, I miss EB....
Three pages of trying to argue the unwinnable and NOT A SINGLE FUDGING PICTURE.

Why did I open this thread????
Not sure what you are talking about Dleg, I posted two pictures in this thread, see:

Here ya go DV

