Teacher placed on leave

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Look through most teachers facebook accounts on Friday nights and you can find plenty that are just as bad "examples" for their students

as true as that may be, we cant continue to look the other way. There has to be a line not to cross.
IIRC, the principal at my wife's school gave a warning to the teachers about cleaning up FB pages. Parents were checking the teachers' pages and complaining about what they saw.

Some people have waaaay too much time on their hands.

Google tells me she went by the name Rikki Andersin and apparently she made these movies 15 years ago.

From my personal experience if this was the only strike against her, and given it was many years ago, I would hire her anyday over a the multiple DUII math teacher I had in High School.

Would any of you want to fire a teacher if he / she admitted to any of the below?

Underage drinking

Premarital sex


Being a bouncer

Smoked pot in college

Hunts wild game

Played D&D in school

Currently plays D&D

Kicks cats

My Driver's Ed teacher in H.S. got a DUI the year I had him for class. Lost his license AND his job. My football coach took over as my Driver's Ed teacher.

He Said, "do your other classes homework in this class, and don't make a sound, and you'll have an A".... ah... imagine if I would have went to Ohio State to play football, college coulda been like H.S.

Would any of you want to fire a teacher if he / she admitted to any of the below?
Underage drinking

Premarital sex


Being a bouncer

Smoked pot in college

Hunts wild game

Played D&D in school

Currently plays D&D

Kicks cats
I think those are OK as long as you don't COMBINE them. Like, for example, getting high while tending bar (at 20 years old), kicking a cat on the way to your alcohol-fueled D&D game where you pretend to have sex with an elf while hunting Beholders (sorry, if you're playing D&D, you're not having premarital sex, the 2 are mutually exclusive :) ).

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Would any of you want to fire a teacher if he / she admitted to any of the below?
Underage drinking

Premarital sex


Being a bouncer

Smoked pot in college

Hunts wild game

Played D&D in school

Currently plays D&D

Kicks cats
Do not we have politicians that have done things inculded in the lst and are still in their positions? For example...smoking pot...

Would any of you want to fire a teacher if he / she admitted to any of the below?
Underage drinking

Premarital sex


Being a bouncer

Smoked pot in college

Hunts wild game

Played D&D in school

Currently plays D&D

Kicks cats
Testing the waters, MS? Thinking of switching out of engineering and moving towards teaching?

This is ********. So she did some porn, who cares. Is she a good teacher? If yes, hired. If no, not hired. End of story.

Sorry not end of story. you either dont have kids or dont care who your kids role models are. this is exactly why my children are in private school. i want to have a say over who gets to guide them through their education during their formative years. i dont care how objective a person is, their views will come through in their every day life especially if their job is to talk all day.

Guess because I went to a "bad" public high school in Kentucky and turned out alright that this doesn't really bother me.

You'll NEVER know the history of each and every teacher that touches your child's life. Does lack of knowledge grant the potential illusion of innocence and purity?

Ignorance is bliss.


Sorry, I think you're being pretty judgmental on someone you have no knowledge of (unless you know her in which case I'll retract me statement).

I don't know her either but it seems she's trying to grapple with something she did in the past. On one hand she's trying to move on and have a life after the pron industry. On the other hand it says she went on Dr. Phil to talk about it. Sounds like she's not proud of it, but not ashamed about it either (she appeared on TV to discuss it).

I don't know what her personal dating habits are now and frankly I don't care. A student approached her about it and she went to the principal and left voluntarily to avoid a scandal. Pretty classy move if you ask me, she could have stayed an fought for her job which certainly would not have been good for the community.

I don't believe it's a moral or "role model" issue at all, but can see where it would be disruptive to her ability to maintain control at the high school level.

Unfortunately she set herself up for her own situation but we've all done things we're not necessarily proud of. Doesn't necessarily make someone a bad person. People change and some are remorseful. What do you suggest she do? Would she be better off in an elementary school (where kids are prepubescent or do you think she'd be a pedophile because she once worked in the sex business)?

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Maybe she should've been the sex ed teacher, then this mightve helped her resume.

But seriously, badal - you have the right to send your kid to private school, but if she didn't do something thats illegal why does it matter? She's not a child molester, drug dealer, or something like that. She did this 15 years ago, didn't you make some bad life decisions a decade and a half ago? What's the statute of limitations on doing something stupid?

Regarding the "role model" thing- I respect her more for turning her life around. Now she can tell kids not to do the stupid **** she did and provide some guidance. It's pretty sad that as a role model yourself as a parent that you wouldn't be willing to teach your children how to forgive and accept people for who they are, flaws and all. There's only one person in the history of this earth who was born perfect and lived a perfect life, everyone else has to stumble a few times.

Sorry not end of story. you either dont have kids or dont care who your kids role models are. this is exactly why my children are in private school. i want to have a say over who gets to guide them through their education during their formative years. i dont care how objective a person is, their views will come through in their every day life especially if their job is to talk all day.
I think you have this all wrong... and I have a kid and I do care who my kid's role models are. If you're not good enough of an influence to counter bad examples, you might want to work on the relationship with role models you *can* control (hint: it doesn't have anything to do with teachers!). Or keep your kids in a bubble, but that's hard to maintain once the kids turn into adults. And surely you recognize that even young adults have role models (good or bad) that can influence their decisions.

Personally, I wouldn't want my kid around you... he'd stop using capital letters and punctuation! (Hey... I'm just kidding!)

I love how any time someone stands up for something (on this board or any where for that matter) morally righteous, he (she) is pounced upon for being too judgmental because "we are all flawed". I'll try to respond in sequential order:


I didn't say all or any public schools were bad. I simply said i wouldn't want my kids around this teacher. I'll go a step further, if my kids were in public school and I found a teacher bragging about things done on friday night via facebook, Ii would be one of the parents complaining.

Master Slacker:

"Does lack of knowledge grant the potential illusion of innocence and purity?" Not sure what this means, if it was at me or how to respond.


No, I dont know her, and yes I am being judgmental, just like the two school boards that fired her, which were right in doing so. I realize she is remorseful, at least on the surface, but IMHO she has disqualified herself from this particular sector of public service.


No, I didn't make any major bad life decisions 15 yrs ago, or 20yr or ever. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, chew or hang with the girls that do and never have. And one reason for that is my parents tried to keep me from bad influences. Does this make me better than her or anyone else for that matter, absolutely not. In fact this is the first time I've gone on a diatribe like this in the 2.5 yrs I've been a member. But neither am I placing myself in front of children everyday as someone they should look up to. I do forgive and I could accept her, flaws and all, but I still wouldn't want her to be teaching/guiding my children with unbridled authority.


So because there are bad examples out there I should put my impressionable child in front of them to get them ready for the real world. Please that logic that has more holes than a block of swiss cheese. We keep a pretty tight guard on our kids, go to church all the time, they attend a christian private school with less than 50 kids total and they still come home talking about things we wish they hadn't heard. So they will get plenty of the "real world" without me placing bad examples in front of them.

Sorry to rant but this is a pretty sore point for me. Without good examples for our children to look at during their formative years, they WILL develope into an even worse generation than we are. Don't we want our kids to be better than we turned out? Justifiying this woman to excuse our own behaviour doesn't make it right or excuse her life choices. So to sum up my argument, she may be a fine person, that I could and would forgive if she were in my life, but just like a lying lawyer, an inept doctor, or bribed official she has disqualified herself from this particular industry. That's all I was trying to say. Oh, and I've tried to get all the punctuation in there for you grammar nazis.

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I can see arguments on both sides, and can see why, once this news is public, it would be hard for her to maintain the required professionalism in her job.

High School boys will have that film playing on repeat on their Ipod's all day long. If I were 17, I'd know all the good "one liners" in her film and work them into every day conversation just for the entertainment value of it. I was an ass like that. Am sure many kids that age are ***** too.

She can't stay in her job, should they force her out? or should she just leave? I don't know.

I agree with all posters above that she shouldn't be judged on something she did 15 years ago, but unfortunetly, this is one of those things that through perception, don't have a statute of limitations. If she worked in an office with all adults, I'd say anyone 'harrassing' her over her past should be repremanded and she should keep her job, but her being a High School teacher is VEFY different, IMO.

I fully see the "don't judge her" side of the argument and agree, but overall (and probably for different reasons) I'm more with badal on this one.

I don't see how she could ever command respect over a high school class again. Maybe the moral to teach the kids in that school is SOME STUPID THINGS YOU DO WILL STAY WITH YOU FOREVER, BE SMART, AND BE ACCOUNTABLE.

Just Sayin'

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navyasw02:No, I didn't make any major bad life decisions 15 yrs ago, or 20yr or ever. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, chew or hang with the girls that do and never have. And one reason for that is my parents tried to keep me from bad influences. Does this make me better than her or anyone else for that matter, absolutely not. In fact this is the first time I've gone on a diatribe like this in the 2.5 yrs I've been a member. But neither am I placing myself in front of children everyday as someone they should look up to. I do forgive and I could accept her, flaws and all, but I still wouldn't want her to be teaching/guiding my children with unbridled authority.
Congratulations, you're the first person to get living sainthood. You may say you're not judging yourself holier than she, but that's exactly the opposite of the basis of your entire argument. This teacher moved on with her life, why can't you? Are you the same person you were 15 years ago? She didn't bring it up to anyone and she didn't do anything inappropriate around the children. Why is she being punished? If she had brought it up to students, sure I'd be for firing her, but she didnt. She was in some porn video 15 years ago that never hurt anybody, but that's a justifiable reason to deny her the right to earn a living in her profession?

navyasw02:No, I didn't make any major bad life decisions 15 yrs ago, or 20yr or ever. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, chew or hang with the girls that do and never have. And one reason for that is my parents tried to keep me from bad influences. Does this make me better than her or anyone else for that matter, absolutely not. In fact this is the first time I've gone on a diatribe like this in the 2.5 yrs I've been a member. But neither am I placing myself in front of children everyday as someone they should look up to. I do forgive and I could accept her, flaws and all, but I still wouldn't want her to be teaching/guiding my children with unbridled authority.
Congratulations, you're the first person to get living sainthood. You may say you're not judging yourself holier than she, but that's exactly the opposite of the basis of your entire argument. This teacher moved on with her life, why can't you? Are you the same person you were 15 years ago? She didn't bring it up to anyone and she didn't do anything inappropriate around the children. Why is she being punished? If she had brought it up to students, sure I'd be for firing her, but she didnt. She was in some porn video 15 years ago that never hurt anybody, but that's a justifiable reason to deny her the right to earn a living in her profession?
Well according to me and two school boards, its time for her to change professions and thanks for the sainthood. It will go well with my halo and harp collection.

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