Licenced to Spell
SWF Seeks Single Male
(For possible chaperoned first date, 35 years from now)
User Name: daddyslittleprincess
Age: 0.08 Years Old
Height: 1 foot 9 inches
Weight: 10 pounds 4 ounces
Eye Color: Currently Dark Blue, subject to change
Hair: Peach Fuzz
Body Type: “A Few Extra Ounces”
Likes: Being held in the arms of a loved one. I like long a stroller. I also enjoy lots of sleep. Oh, and breast milk.
Dislikes: Not being held and loved. I am not a big fan of baths. Oh, and diaper changes.
About You: Lots of patience is a huge plus. You must have a car (by the time of first date). Your car must have a back seat (for my Daddy). You must be financially secure (and comfortable paying for three dinners and three movie tickets). You must enjoy rigorous activities such as interview screenings.
If Interested: Please submit a detailed resume to my Daddy for strict scrutiny and a thorough background check. You can expect to receive a response within the next 420 months.
Additional Comments: My Daddy has an impressive collection of Chinese Stars, Nunchucks, and Tasers.

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