Surveying_Reza or ppibooks

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Jul 1, 2010
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Has anyone used the Reza Mahalatti workbook and how many problems are in it? I'm thinking about buying it. I just want one good book to study from for surveying. How would this book compare to the books they sell on ppi2pass?

Has anyone used the Reza Mahalatti workbook and how many problems are in it? I'm thinking about buying it. I just want one good book to study from for surveying. How would this book compare to the books they sell on ppi2pass?

It might be difficult to only use 1 book for studying. I primarily used the 3 PPI books (Princ of Surv, 120 Probs, 2 Practice Exams) and they did the trick first try. I did acquire Mr. Mahalatti's book right before the exam so I only dabbled in it. Therefore, I can't give a complete review of it. The book is at home but I can check to see how many problems are in it tonight if you'd like.


If it's not a problem let me know how many problems are in the Mahalatti book. I'm in the process of buying study materials and based on what I've heard from this site and other people, I will most likely purchase the surveying books from ppi. I've heard some good reviews for the Mahalatti book but not enough information exists for me to want to buy it. I have no surveying background and have never taken a surveying class so I want something that I can clearly understand. Did you feel all 3 books were necessary?


I'm at home but I totally forgot I loaned all my Survey stuff to my friend who is taking the exam this week. Sorry about that. I'm meeting him Tuesday night to help him with any last minute questions he has so I'll try to remember to ask him to bring the Reza book so I can tell you how many problems are in it.

I'd have to say, yes, you probably should buy all 3. Survey Principles for 100% sure but the 120 and Practice exams make good companions (extra problems are always good). I have a small collection of "free" Survey problems that I have collected so I could e-mail those to you if you'd like. If you study 150 +/- hours, I don't think you'll have a hard time at all with the exam. A lot of it is common sense (lots of easy trig, etc.). It's actually a pretty easy exam but time is the enemy so know your stuff well so you can be quick. Is this your first time? How do you feel about Seismic and the 8hr? Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.


It won't be a couple of months until I start studying because I plan on taking the April 2013 exam. It will be my first time. I got my first job last fall and with a master's degree I need a year of experience to sit for the exam and the closest date is next year. But I have been researching study materials. For Seismic I bought the Hiner manual and for the 8hr I'm thinking about the All-in-one workbook or the CERM. I also bought the NCEES WR/Environmental workbook.

How many months did you start studying for before you took the exam?

Hey env,

The Hiner book is perfect for the Seismic. Just make sure you pass in April as I suspect the codes will change for the Oct '13 exam and you'll have to re-acquire a new Hiner book, IBC/CBC, and ASCE 7.

The All In One is good but it isn't a substitute for the CERM. I'd get the CERM or both (I used both). Yes, the NCEES sample probs is invaluable.

I guess I'd say I started studying 3-4 months before each exam (I only attempted to pass one at a time - Surv, Seis, 8hr. Hopefully you can do it quicker than I did). But I'd recommend you think about it more in terms of study hours, not months. Depending on your strengths and weaknesses, I'd figure on 300 hours +/- 50 for the 8hr and 200 +/- 50 each for the Seis and Surv.

Thanks for all your advice ptatohed! I think I'm going to start studying late summer.

Thanks for all your advice ptatohed! I think I'm going to start studying late summer.
You are very welcome. My pleasure. I looked in the Reza book last night when I met my friend. There are 11 Chapters and there are (15+56+59+16+35+54+12+12+13+14+16 = ) 302 total problems.

Good to know, thanks. Yeah I think I'm going to start off with the Cuomo book and 120 solved surveying problems.


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