Hey env,
The Hiner book is perfect for the Seismic. Just make sure you pass in April as I suspect the codes will change for the Oct '13 exam and you'll have to re-acquire a new Hiner book, IBC/CBC, and ASCE 7.
The All In One is good but it isn't a substitute for the CERM. I'd get the CERM or both (I used both). Yes, the NCEES sample probs is invaluable.
I guess I'd say I started studying 3-4 months before each exam (I only attempted to pass one at a time - Surv, Seis, 8hr. Hopefully you can do it quicker than I did). But I'd recommend you think about it more in terms of study hours, not months. Depending on your strengths and weaknesses, I'd figure on 300 hours +/- 50 for the 8hr and 200 +/- 50 each for the Seis and Surv.