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yep, I could leave at 4, get stuck in "rush hour" traffic and it'd take nearly 3 hours to get home OR leave on time, follow behind the rush and still get home at the same time

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They have free software that allows you to rip the audio off of any video on youtube. If it's on youtube, I have access to it...

The quality of the MP3 is obviously dependent on the quality of the video, but I've found most of the "lyrics" versions have the best quality without extra stuff.
Software? LOL
I will have to check this out.

Only advantage of the software is it does the full download, you can adjust the file bit rate & size, and dumps it into the folder of your choice.

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Friday afternoon rush hour starts mid-day Thursday...

Stupid f-tourists.

oh, I'm not counting the tourists at all; they just slackjaw and rubberneck at everything.

One advantage of everyone fleeing to the mountains on the weekend is that I get the suburbs all to myself.

its raining again.. forecast is calling for it to continue through midnight. Hmm, cutting trees tonight is out; guess I'm working on recovering the laptop

We're getting one of those nasty rainstorms where it could switch to hail at any minute...


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