Capt Worley PE
Run silent, run deep
Did you contact your insurance yet? They may get you one and subrogate (I think that's the right term) it to the other parties insurance.
Did you contact your insurance yet? They may get you one and subrogate (I think that's the right term) it to the other parties insurance.
have they assigned liability yet? That could be part of the was for my sisters accident. She had the rental car for 3 days before the other insurance company accepted blame and took over all costs from the time she got the rental
We have a Nissan xterra and a Ford escape. As the spokesman of unplanned pregnancies, I can vouch that three car seats side by side is possible. Tight, but possible.Enterprise has an account with the insurance company, so they set up a bill through their system which is pending approval from the insurer. Yay and thanks for all your advice snick and CW!
I got a 2014 Nissan Versa...pending any unplanned pregnancies, this may be the next car purchased by the YMZ household.
I got a 2014 Nissan Versa...pending any unplanned pregnancies, this may be the next car purchased by the YMZ household.