Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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There was an article recently that talked about how people are refusing to pay mortgages anymore and using the money they used to pay for the house for just whatever money, with the assumption that they will be bailed out of foreclosure.
You know what makes me mad? I would put money on the fact that they will be bailed out.

There was an article recently that talked about how people are refusing to pay mortgages anymore and using the money they used to pay for the house for just whatever money, with the assumption that they will be bailed out of foreclosure.
You know what makes me mad? I would put money on the fact that they will be bailed out.'s a "loan to help them succeed".

Different topic:

So early this week my wife tells me that there is some ******** party that her mother is trying to plan for some guy I don't even know that is getting married. I made the logical assumption that since I don't know the guy (he's my MIL's best friend's son and how in the **** that relates to me I don't have the foggiest) that I didn't need to make plans to attend. I assumed incorrectly. So the weekends that my MIL is planning on this stupid party are October 16/17 or the following weekend October 23/24. My whole family already made plans to go to the Clemson game the 10/16 weekend. My mom rented a lakehouse, my brother and his wife are taking off of work, I'm taking off of work, etc. So it turns out that I do in fact need to attend this event for this person who neither my wife or I know. Unfortunately my SIL (who apparently overrides everyone else) has her family coming in town the October 23/24 weekend. So they plan this stupid ******* party on October 16/17. I politely told my wife I wasn't coming because A) I don't know this guy for whom the party is being held B) we already made plans to go to the Clemson game that weekend. Now MIL and wife are pissed off at me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What ******* bizarro world are they from?

Good luck chuck.

confirmed plans get first bidding in our family. even if it means, heaven forbid, the entire family doesn't attend. I've gone to plenty of events without mr snick and the same for him, if our schedules don't work out.

What ******* bizarro world are they from?
Apparently one where they don't know the rules about planning events on home game weekends.

I know, and that's the game where they're retiring CJ Spiller's jersey. My wife thinks we should drive back to Columbia on Sunday morning for this brunch, then drive back to Clemson that afternoon. I don't think she understands how much that would suck.

Also note that the guest of honor apparently went to Clemson. He isn't going to want to go to this stupid thing hungover.

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No way i would attend. That **** is rediculous. Usually, when I'm confronted by as similar situation, I express my disagreement and proceed to go my shed. Depends how pissed I am but I have hung out in my shed for 6 hours. I think thats the longest I've been in there. It does have electrical, a radio, my tools, and a current project I'm working on though.

Chuck, tell the MIL to go pound sand. Seriously... go pound sand. That ish wouldn't fly with me and my wife knows that a) our plans would trump a no-name's party, 2) we would both get pissed in an argument, and d) I'd do what we had planned regardless.

"Go pound sand." ;)

Just proves no matter how long its been since you passed, you still have nightmares about the PE. Dreamed last night that I was taking the text again, fully aware that I had already passed it. It was a to see if I could do it again sort of thing. Scary!!!!!!


I cannot stand IT people. No offense if you or your spouse is one, but these people chap my hide. I need a driver for a Fluke Ti20 thermal imaging camera so my computer will recognize it, so I called Fluke to see if I can get it emailed to me. The total ******* of IT "support" got upset when I didn't know how to get to the device manager without help. He sighed several times and raised his voice about three times. I finally got to the device manager, gave him my email address, and he said he'd email it to me immediately. Guess what... 18 hours later and no driver. MF'er is getting another call today and his supervisor will also get one. His job, what he gets PAID to do by FLUKE, is to help customers, not belittle them. *******


I cannot stand IT people. No offense if you or your spouse is one, but these people chap my hide. I need a driver for a Fluke Ti20 thermal imaging camera so my computer will recognize it, so I called Fluke to see if I can get it emailed to me. The total ******* of IT "support" got upset when I didn't know how to get to the device manager without help. He sighed several times and raised his voice about three times. I finally got to the device manager, gave him my email address, and he said he'd email it to me immediately. Guess what... 18 hours later and no driver. MF'er is getting another call today and his supervisor will also get one. His job, what he gets PAID to do by FLUKE, is to help customers, not belittle them. *******


Amen to that. I needed my IT guy to replace my IP phone the other day because the phone crapped out. I stood there waiting for him, and he stared back at me, but was too busy talking to his buddy about their fantasy football draft to actually help me. Then he decided to go to lunch for an hour and a half, and still didn't bother to help me.

I ended up ripping a phone out from another cube.

:angry: :angry:

Okay, so I see the results of a bad accident this morning where a pedestrian vs car ended. People (no cops or medics on the scene yet) are diverting traffic around this poor old guy who got hit jaywalking since he is laying in lane 2 of a 5 lane road. As I go around I am literally 10 feet from him because of on comming traffic. I see him breathing and at this point unsure of what happened.

Later I read the local newspaper website to see that he was a pedestrian and that he died. He ******* DIED. The website said they knew someone got hit and they died and that they were looking for details. Well the publisher forgot to put their email on the story so I just post a comment saying the following: "I drove past the accident this morning. There was a white male laying in the left West Bound lane, but he was breathing when I went by. I could see his stomach rising and falling is why I say this."

I then get hammered by the "holier than thou" people saying I should have stopped and done SOMETHING. I am not trained in CPR nor am I an EMT. Exactly how could I have helped this person? I kept going. Why? Because stopping and adding more cars to the problem just raises the risk of causing another accident. THe best thing to do is to get out of the way and let the people who are PAID TO DO THIS HELP.


:angry: :angry:
Okay, so I see the results of a bad accident this morning where a pedestrian vs car ended. People (no cops or medics on the scene yet) are diverting traffic around this poor old guy who got hit jaywalking since he is laying in lane 2 of a 5 lane road. As I go around I am literally 10 feet from him because of on comming traffic. I see him breathing and at this point unsure of what happened.

Later I read the local newspaper website to see that he was a pedestrian and that he died. He ******* DIED. The website said they knew someone got hit and they died and that they were looking for details. Well the publisher forgot to put their email on the story so I just post a comment saying the following: "I drove past the accident this morning. There was a white male laying in the left West Bound lane, but he was breathing when I went by. I could see his stomach rising and falling is why I say this."

I then get hammered by the "holier than thou" people saying I should have stopped and done SOMETHING. I am not trained in CPR nor am I an EMT. Exactly how could I have helped this person? I kept going. Why? Because stopping and adding more cars to the problem just raises the risk of causing another accident. THe best thing to do is to get out of the way and let the people who are PAID TO DO THIS HELP.

take a depth breath and move on :p . Those people like to stir the pot, best to ignore them.

Mr. snick was at mizzou yesterday installing some new lab equipment.

Cleanholio is an idiot. best to ignore idiots, or if you feel like addressing them, make sure they know they are an idiot. I think a simple, "Cleanholio, you are an idiot," would suffice.

Total idiot. I think a lot of the people backed you up, just like I think most of us would. You did the right thing by continuing to drive on.

its one of those things....

~worthless cliche of the day~

....Assholio was not there... thus... his interpretation of what you *should have done* is pure speculation... and... thus... worthless.

******* cant even say if he would have done something different in your position... because he was not...

and AJ is his little ass-licking bitch.


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