Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Why is it that the AC has to fail on the weekend!!?? The only good news is that it was just a starting capacitor and the local HVAC guy was willing to sell me one after-hours without a giant markup.

^^^ I had a similar experience, except my unit didn't fail. I could just hear electrical buzzing across the house from the compressor area outside. Long story short, the contactor served as an ant cult death scene and the corpses wouldn't let proper contact to be made. Arc'ing fun.

Grumble.... I wrong in thinking that if you are asking for money from relatives to help you pay the mortgage b/c your husband has been fired (not laid-off, but fired) for the second time from Friday's, that you should probably cancel your HBO subscription first?

^ that's crazy talk! What will he do all day??

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Grumble.... I wrong in thinking that if you are asking for money from relatives to help you pay the mortgage b/c your husband has been fired (not laid-off, but fired) for the second time from Friday's, that you should probably cancel your HBO subscription first?
Who's going to watch all that late night soft core if not him?

Grumble.... I wrong in thinking that if you are asking for money from relatives to help you pay the mortgage b/c your husband has been fired (not laid-off, but fired) for the second time from Friday's, that you should probably cancel your HBO subscription first?

That's just crazy talk. He works hard (whether by waiting tables or asking you for it) and he deserves a little entertainment when he gets home from a hard days work.

the three of you make an excellent point. I'd get pretty bored sitting around the house with nothing to do too. HBO is practically a necessity when you are unemployed.

They haven't asked me directly for money, probably b/c they know I'd say no. It's my wife's sister and her husband. They were in terrible financial shape when he was working, so losing his job really hurts. I'd be more inclined to help out if they weren't blowing money left and right on things that aren't necessities, like HBO, new iPhones, laptops, etc., etc.. We have offered to help them by working with them on a financial plan, they declined that offer. Instead they have chosen to stay the course and just not pay the house note. They have "borrowed" money from other family members from time to time to try and pay it, but in my mind that really doesn't solve anything. They will likely never be able to pay that money back and without them getting their act together they are going to lose the house eventually. Why postpone the inevitable?

It really kills me to listen to them talk about how great the latest episode of True Blood was, or tell us how great video chat is on the iPhone, all the while they are content to let their home go. Oh well, not my life. Just don't ask me for money. I'm not a sucker, unlike some other people in the family.

They haven't asked me directly for money, probably b/c they know I'd say no. It's my wife's sister and her husband. They were in terrible financial shape when he was working, so losing his job really hurts. I'd be more inclined to help out if they weren't blowing money left and right on things that aren't necessities, like HBO, new iPhones, laptops, etc., etc.. We have offered to help them by working with them on a financial plan, they declined that offer. Instead they have chosen to stay the course and just not pay the house note. They have "borrowed" money from other family members from time to time to try and pay it, but in my mind that really doesn't solve anything. They will likely never be able to pay that money back and without them getting their act together they are going to lose the house eventually. Why postpone the inevitable?
It really kills me to listen to them talk about how great the latest episode of True Blood was, or tell us how great video chat is on the iPhone, all the while they are content to let their home go. Oh well, not my life. Just don't ask me for money. I'm not a sucker, unlike some other people in the family.
I would find that beyond infuriating, and I'd tell them to go jump off a cliff if they asked me for money. I see a lot of people like this that I went to high school with and I always ask wonder what their plan in life is. Is it to live a miserable existence forever and eek through life? I guess some people are content being losers.

I can't afford an iPhone or HBO and I make fatty money. j/k, but even making $85k a year I can't justify that. My wife doesn't work so that's part of it but those are expensive luxuries. My cousin (who makes about half what I do) and her husband (who is in law school and has $100k+ in student loans) have iPhones. Their cell phone bill is $200 a month, and that doesn't include the $$$$ they spend on the phone.

I would find that beyond infuriating, and I'd tell them to go jump off a cliff if they asked me for money. I see a lot of people like this that I went to high school with and I always ask wonder what their plan in life is. Is it to live a miserable existence forever and eek through life? I guess some people are content being losers.
It wouldn't bother me as much if they were simply sinking their own lives. If you want to live that way it's fine by me, just don't drag the people around you down too. They are "borrowing" money from people who simply can't afford to be giving money away that way. People keep giving them the money anyway out of an "obligation to family" and in the hopes that someday they will be paid back. I look like the ******* b/c I'm willing to tell them no. They live better then I do for God sake! Why the F**k should I be giving them money?!?!?

They haven't actually asked me for money, but I know they have gone to other family members and asked for loans, and those family members have come to me (well my wife actually b/c it's her side of the family) and asked us to give them money too. I've told them to take a hike, at least that way I'm the bad guy, and my wifes family can hate me instead of her. I'm okay with that.

My grandmother does the same **** with my aunt. Although my aunt doesn't even have to ask my grandmother any more. She just gets it, kind of like welfare. My aunt refuses to get a real job or work more than 20 hours a week, e.g. she's lazy as ****. My grandmother lets her live in what could be a rental house for my grandmother where she could be getting $1500 a month in rent, instead she gets $0 from my aunt, has to pay the property taxes out of her own pocket because my aunt won't help with that, and pay for repairs out of her own pocket because my aunt won't help with that either. Hell, my aunt won't even cut the damn grass until it get's 2 feet tall. As a result, my grandmother is poor because she's been paying to support my deadbeat aunt for the last 20 years. My grandmother has a 5 bedroom house and it's just her living there so I suggested that my aunt move in with her so my grandmother could rent the house out and have some money so she could enjoy her retirement that she worked for. My aunt (who is 50) pitched a fit about that because she wanted her own place. I won't even go into the idiocy of that statement.

So my cousin (my aunt's daughter) spent the better part of a month trying to help my aunt (her mother) get a job and start supporting herself. My aunt didn't do **** and my cousin basically told my aunt that she wasn't talking to her anymore until she did something for herself. Good for her in my opinion.

The background here is that my aunt went through a nasty divorce 22 years ago, yes 22 years ago and my grandmother has been supporting her ever since. My grandmother is tough as nails, her husband (my grandfather who I never knew) died without life insurance when she had a 9 year old, 6 year old (my mom), and newborn. She managed to support the four of them and send my mom and my other aunt to college.

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There was an article recently that talked about how people are refusing to pay mortgages anymore and using the money they used to pay for the house for just whatever money, with the assumption that they will be bailed out of foreclosure. I can't fathom buying anything if the house payment was going unpaid. Homelessness is some serious business.

I've got a 64 yo cousin that has been sponging off of his (now 92 yo) mother for the past 15 years or so. The guy lost his house with a $40k mortgage while he was fully employed as a car salesman. He was obviously doing ok as a car salesman because he got a couple of "Sales man of the Year" type awards and was the TRuck/Lease Manager for a pretty good sized dealership. But, he pissed all his money away on gambling and hookers and ended up HIV positive and was about $50k in the hole and ~6 months behind on this mortgage payments. He slod the house, moved in with his mother and has not worked since. My aunt won't face the fact that he's basically taken every penny she has/had. She still worries about her son and takes great pride in the fact, he can wash his own clothes and "pay the bills" since she's in a nursing home after she had a stroke. Of course paying the bills is forging her name on checks and running up a $20k credit card debt, which is tough when she's only got $15k to her name. The train is about to derail and she is f'n clueless.

There was an article recently that talked about how people are refusing to pay mortgages anymore and using the money they used to pay for the house for just whatever money, with the assumption that they will be bailed out of foreclosure. I can't fathom buying anything if the house payment was going unpaid. Homelessness is some serious business.

There's a lot of that going on down here. Houses are worth a lot less than peoples' mortgages/what people paid for them so they just stop paying, and either go rent something somewhere or declare bankruptcy right before the bank forecloses on their sorry ***** and then they get to live in the house for another 2 years without making a payment. Of course our Imperial Federal Government doesn't do anything to improve the situation as they encourage this kind of behavior with perverse incentives and endless bailouts for irresponsibility.

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They live better then I do for God sake! Why the F**k should I be giving them money?!?!?
Sound like me ranting about welfare :)

There's a lot of that going on down here. Houses are worth a lot less than peoples' mortgages/what people paid for them.. <snip>
I never understood the 'stop paying because you are upside down' mentality. Most people are upside down in their cars, but keep paying. I have a feeling they heard to stop paying from some financial genius.

They live better then I do for God sake! Why the F**k should I be giving them money?!?!?
Sound like me ranting about welfare :)

There's a lot of that going on down here. Houses are worth a lot less than peoples' mortgages/what people paid for them.. <snip>
I never understood the 'stop paying because you are upside down' mentality. Most people are upside down in their cars, but keep paying. I have a feeling they heard to stop paying from some financial genius.
too bad the banks can't sue the financial geniouses for the reprocussions of dispensing fiscal advice. maybe they would think twice before spewing their toxic ideas.

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There was an article recently that talked about how people are refusing to pay mortgages anymore and using the money they used to pay for the house for just whatever money, with the assumption that they will be bailed out of foreclosure. I can't fathom buying anything if the house payment was going unpaid. Homelessness is some serious business.
Sounds like my bonehead sister and her drunk husband. At least she wised up that he's out of the house and they are getting a divorce but she's living in the house until the bank forces her out. In the meantime she bought a new kayak and a blackberry. I know this because she facebooked it, probably on a new computer. Pisses me off! My parents help her and they are getting pissed at me because I call them fools. My wife and I both work our ***** off full time and practically pay two mortgages; one is the actual mortgage and the other is daycare for twins, and we don't borrow a dime and make sure our bills are paid on time and she gets by from freeloading!


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