I'd rather be working on my priorities, though. Not someone else's.
Got to work a few minutes late. Came in to a message from a repeat client; he'd swung by first thing. Get ready to call him and apologize.
Get a call from another client. The letter I wrote yesterday, to get the inspector to pass a foundation, didn't fly with the inspector. And the inspector's schedule is set at 9, which was only about 15 minutes away at that point in time.
The regular client comes in hands me a set of plans, and is trying to talk to me... and I couldn't get him to stop. Urgh. 5 minutes till 9...
Called the inspector, found out that the reason it didn't work is that the contractor had lied to me. The reinforcing hoops as the inspector measured were 1" larger in diameter than what had been specified. Contractor insists the inspector's wrong. So, I went out and verified - they're both wrong, they vary within 1/2", all over the maximum diameter that would allow them to have their clearance.
Got back, took a call from a contractor that wanted to know if a double 2x could be substituted for a 3x in a tightly-nailed wall (answer: No, because the tiedown requires a 4x)... for a project I didn't work on.
That's my day so far. Oh, and yesterday I stayed late to make sure I had something ready for a client, but he's not going to be able to make our 1 PM meeting and will see me Tuesday instead.
Edit: And as I hit submit, I get a call about how the contractor's already installed 3 "Red Head" bolts instead of Simpson ones I specified... in a specification that said "no substitutions without prior approval" (seismic loading, potential cracked concrete issues). Of course, it didn't specify WHICH Red Head bolt... I think there's a few, like Simpson has several.