Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Am not kidding here:

Had one Director that told us...

I would not hire any engineer with a GPA higher than 2.80. Why? Those 4.0, 3.9, 3.5 went to school and just did that with no life. Those with 2.8 went to school, they drank, they f$ck, they fooled around and still graduated. Those are the ones I want working for me.

That was many years ago and I had forgotten other things he said. He was very... :wacko:

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Am not kidding here:

Had one Director that told us...

I would not hire any engineer with a GPA higher than 2.80. Why? Those 4.0, 3.9, 3.5 went to school and just did that with no life. Those with 2.8 went to school, they drank, they f$ck, they fooled around and still graduated. Those are the ones I want working for me.

That was many years ago and I had forgotten other things he said. He was very... :wacko:
Well, I'd like to know how I got my 3.5 with that rationale? I mean, I partied like no tomorrow! Remember weekends where I didn't sleep at all from all the partying. My mom actually hinted once that she thought I might be an alcoholic.

couldn't have been that good a party if you remember the weekends.

Today is killing me. Legs hurt from walking down 10 flights of stairs yesterday, for a friggin false alarm that was going off. I obviously don't use those muscles enough. And been at work 3 hours now, and it feels like I've been here for 12 hours already! Come on quitting time and hurry up.

Really could use an alcohol vending machine at work!

Today is killing me. Legs hurt from walking down 10 flights of stairs yesterday, for a friggin false alarm that was going off. I obviously don't use those muscles enough. And been at work 3 hours now, and it feels like I've been here for 12 hours already! Come on quitting time and hurry up.

Really could use an alcohol vending machine at work!
I think that's something we all can agree on SNAPE!

It's a road guy song...

Whenever I am around really successful people they never talk about how hard their classes in college were or what grade they got etc...

I got out with a 2.9, and that was being married and working three jobs, which would easily translate to a 3.9 if my mommy and daddy were paying for all of my college and I didn't have to work
Got out with a 3.15 with one, then two, then three kids by graduation time. Will be paying on loans for a while but it was well worth it and turned out to be quite fun. 

Only managed a 2.8 in my biology degree from Berkeley but I only went there to run track and met my wife at the beginning of sophomore year. So the next 4.5 years were spent either training or with her. I don't remember much school in there.

I heard that "I only hire 3.0's because they are normal" bit from a guy at a career fair in college too. Thought it was kind of strange, because it discounts you fuckers that can drink all weekend and ace the test I spent all weekend studying for just to get an 85. But I also know that grades and good engineering are not necessarily mutually inclusive. 

I always believed the "I only hire 3.0's because they are normal" stereotype is ********.  During my career as an engineer I have come across enough of all types to know there really isn't a definitive mold.

- I have worked with PhDs who couldn't find their way out of their cubicle without someone holding their hand

- I have worked with 4.0s who actually contributed better/more efficient ways to model/calculate and were damn good engineers

- I have worked with 2.8s / 3.0s who were absolute morons but I have also worked with 2.8s who were good engineers

^agreed.  I was a heavy drinker in college, and squeaked out a 3.3 or so. My first job in the oil field was a real eye-opener: I was hired and put into a training school (2 months in school, 6 months on the job) with 16 other engineers and geologists, most of whom were Masters and PhDs and a lot closer to the 4.0 mark.  And all but 2 or three of them were completely worthless when it came to actually doing the work, which was operating down-hole geophysical instruments from a huge, antique rack of computers and electronics, and figuring out what to change out when something went wrong (intentional sabotage designed to teach troubleshooting).  A year later there were only two of us left on the job - myself, a lowly state school grad, and a Canadian duplicate of me.  The PhDs, MSs and top-tier school grads had all left the job.  

So long story short: I don't think GPA means all that much, and different jobs require different skills.  I think what means more is a person's character and these days, it's hard to know much about that with a recent grad because it seems like "working" in HS and college is a thing of the past. For most jobs I've been involved with,  I'd hire an engineer with a 2.8 and a few ****** part time jobs under his belt than a kid with a 4.0 and nothing on his/her resume than a couple of cushy summer internships...

Your degree will get you your first job.  Your first job will get you your career.

I haven't listed my GPA on my resume in years.

My rule of thumb was after 5 years, the GPA comes off the resume, never to return.

These days I wonder.  Not too long ago HR asked for an official copy of my college transcripts fort heir files to confirm my degree.  I'd been with the company more than 20 years at that point.  Thank all the resume liars and forgers for that one.

Around the same time, my wife's company was doing the same thing.  Again we'd been out of school for roughly 20+years.  When her HR department contacted the university they said my wife had attended but didn't have enough credits to graduate.  WTF, she went to graduation and has a diploma??!??  It seems the college converted their old written records to electronic and someon screwed up the entry for credits she had transferred at the time.  It took me demanding to speak with the head registrar and then the chancellor's office to get them to acknowledge that she had in fact graduated.  The process took about a month and my wife was getting heat from her employer and HR about falsefying info.

lol, when I was trying to get a certified copy of my diploma for my NZ PE paperwork, the registrar's office wouldn't process it because I still had a hold on my account from the athletic office. They said I shouldn't have received the original diploma nor attended graduation because the hold pre-dated the graduation. I had to call the athletic office and they just wrote it off. It was so long ago that they didn't even have records of why the hold existed. She assumed it was probably because I didn't turn in my lock to the equipment manager at the end of the year. I didn't even remember the class...

Dex you should drop a lock off at school B4 you leave!

In all my 18 years since getting out of college I have never listed my GPA or had to provide transcripts for engineering jobs.

Except for a job I applied for with the FBI - but I was like what's he point? Don't you know that info already?

i should have worn a skirt today.  pants are rubbing my knee and it hurts.  While looking through the food cabinet last night for a can of black beans (tacos for dinner), a glass jar of spaghetti sauce fell off the shelf and was headed straight for the top of snickette's head.  I managed to push it away from her, but it hit the top of my knee instead.  I couldn't move my knee for a couple minutes there.  It was already bruising last night.

MA added the option to renew your license online.  The problem is it's not very easy to manage.  I still had my old company in my records and even though I deleted it, I can't add a new one.  I think I'm just going to send in my paper copy and be done with it.
