Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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You must then throw your Fitbit into the ocean, delete your Facebook account and trade your smart phone in for a flip type.   Then we can talk. 
I don't own a Fitbit. I don't have a Facebook account. I don't have a smart phone. I wear a watch most of the time too.

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You must then throw your Fitbit into the ocean, delete your Facebook account and trade your smart phone in for a flip type.   Then we can talk. 
I couldn't tell you all the things a fitbit monitors because I don't own one and don't have the intention to ever get one, i tried using one of those fancy pedometers back in the day and after a day it sat on the shelf collecting dust.  I only have a FB account so the grandparents and family can see their grandkids photos and life events, and my phone is a flip phone.   

1982 does really seem to be the start of the millennial generation from my experience with people.  I know different studies use different dates, but that seems the perfect cut off.

I was born in 1981. I identify with generation-x more than millennials.

I'm just past that marker, but still identify more with Gen X than millennials.  And my facebook page is just cars, dogs, and fart jokes.

damn i grabbed the books 1,2 and 4 of a book series instead of the first 3 from the library last week.  oh well it wasn't that great of a story anyways.

Why do schools wait until the end of the year to do everything...field trips, school programs/plays, etc. All in one freaking month!!! It's overwhelming!

because that's when they have time.  they have to cram all the required **** in as fast as they can to make sure they make all their deadlines

Well, it sure makes the parents crazy. I can't wait for school to be out! 4 more weeks!!!!!

If they have met all the deadlines, why not end the school year early? Let my kid go on hikes and go fishing with her dad. She will actually learn something! And it's what she wants to do!

minisnick has a field trip this week, but other than that things haven't been too crazy.  in fact math homework has been not existent for like the last week.  just have the nightly book to read to him and his AR book he reads to me.

keeping up with the AR stuff over the summer so he doesn't forget will be a pain.  I need to go through his book shelves and see if there is anything his level.  

I would imagine it has a lot to do with both the standardized testing they do in mid April plus whatever "snow" days they have left in the year.  The schools do as much as they can so the kids nail the tests (more funding), then once the tests are done then they basically relax for the rest of the year.  Remember, school is no longer about teaching kids, it's about getting them to pass tests to keep their funding.

I would imagine it has a lot to do with both the standardized testing they do in mid April plus whatever "snow" days they have left in the year.  The schools do as much as they can so the kids nail the tests (more funding), then once the tests are done then they basically relax for the rest of the year.  Remember, school is no longer about teaching kids, it's about getting them to pass tests to keep their funding.
This, is why we have been contemplating home schooling!

minisnick would shut down if we did this. home and school are two worlds that don't mix well.  
Definitely depends on the particular kid and parent.  We homeshooled for a couple of years but having the same person be both parent and teacher wasn't working out all that well for us.  Like anything else in life, no single solution works best for everybody.
