This is basically verbatim of similar conversations I've also had with TWC. It's so damn frustrating to have to "play their game" as they screw over the loyal customer base by offering new customers crazy good deals. At one point I even asked the same question, ME: "So for me to get a better rate, I basically have to stop service and then rejoin. Is that what you're telling me?" TWC REP: "Well sir, you've been with us for X amount of years, so obviously you are satisfied with our service and really don't want to leave." :blowup: I almost ended it right then and there. We were able to work out a deal to get a bump in our service ( to Turbo: 20D/2U) for the "introductory" rate of $45/mo. We were paying like $55 or $60 for a slower level of service (Std: 15D/1U) :BS: Been watching the bill cycles quite closely to see if/when the rate might jump up again because the introductory thing expires or whatever. Then we get to do it all over again. :smileyballs: Another thing they just recently implemented was charging $3/mo for the most cheaply made modem I've ever encountered. I said no thanks, returned it, and purchased my own Motorola (like $90 I think) that has the latest DOCSIS 3.0 standard (old one was only 2.0 I think). I now have nothing TWC-owned in my house.
The other frustrating part about this is that they are realistically the only game in town. U-Verse is available but their speeds can't match TWC in our area. I've been keeping tabs on Verizon FioS coming to our area soon and will jump on that in a heartbeat (since we have wireless service through them, we would get a bundle discount). Then there's Google Fiber which I don't see coming to our area anytime soon. To summarize, F TWC! :redface: