My "neighborhood" is only 11 houses. No other break-ins have happened on my street, and nobody saw anything unusual yesterday. There have been 2 burglaries in my zip code recently, which is really high for this area, so I'd say that there is one group doing them.Damn! That sucks. Has this been happening much in your neighborhood or is this a really isolated event?
He also told me that 2 non-weather-related claims in a 5-year period is an automatic non-renewal trigger for Nationwide.
The key is "non-weather-related." I think some sort of regulations prevents them from dropping you due to weather-related claims. But if you have two burglaries, appliance fire/floods, etc. in that span, they can drop you.I'm surprised to hear that, we have nationwide and have had more than two claims on a house in under 5 years and have not had any issues...
He also told me that 2 non-weather-related claims in a 5-year period is an automatic non-renewal trigger for Nationwide.
that's just wrong.