so I'm outside grilling....

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^^ :th_rockon:

Nothing works like warm water mixed with JOY. My grandmother mixed that up all the time and I swear it will kill anything that flies!

^^ :th_rockon:
Nothing works like warm water mixed with JOY. My grandmother mixed that up all the time and I swear it will kill anything that flies!
Then did she put Windex on the stings?

Maybe you should get a reserve can of spray, just in case your primary weapon runs out of ammo in the middle of the fight. :p
Oh, I think a redundant can a spray would be a wise move.

I was going to suggest a second can as well... either that or one of those bug bombs you can throw over your sholder as you begin your retreat...

or.. instead of the spray... you could mix up some epoxy foam, build an applicator gun with an exceptionally long nozzle and blast the nest full of that... that'll teach em!

(I'd still have the two cans of srray handy just in case my hair brained scheme doesn't work)

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I was going to suggest a second can as well... either that or one of those bug bomb you can throw over your sholder as you begin your retreat...
or.. instead of the spray... you could mix up some epoxy foam, build an applicator gun with an exceptionally long nozzle and blast the nest full of that... that'll teach em!

(I'd still have the two cans of srray handy just in case my hair brained scheme doesn't work)
I'm all for the expandable foam idea! Sounds like a blast to watch SOMEONE ELSE do. Any bets on how many make it out before it seals?

Funny story. My X Brother in Law went turkey hunting one fall and found a big hornets nest. It was cold that morning, he didn't see any hornets, so he thought it was abandoned, cut it down to hang up in his house and put it in the truck until he was done hunting.

Came back early morning after no luck hunting to see that his windows were covered in hornets. The truck was warm enough to let the lil boogers out of the nest. He ended up leaving it overnight and armed with a couple cans of hornets spray went back early the next morning. He was able to toss the nest out of the truck.

So, MA - maybe you smoke them out or something, get rid of them, and keep the nest as a talking piece for your house or your work???

I'm all for the expandable foam idea! Sounds like a blast to watch SOMEONE ELSE do. Any bets on how many make it out before it seals?

I think you need a fairly high volume applicator... so that if any do escape, they have some foam on them... preferably right on the stinger!

Shoot it with a potato cannon!

And be sure to video it. Submit to AFV and get some ca$h.

shove the biggest bottle rocket that will fit in the hole in it. maybe get some good caulk around the top of the bottle rocket first to keep them from escaping. that should be fun to watch (via remote camera in a safe and secure location)

oh wait... never ask another man to put his caulk into a hornets nest.

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^ should we rather ask, what is probability of every thread going in that direction??!!!
