Then did she put Windex on the stings?^^ :th_rockon:
Nothing works like warm water mixed with JOY. My grandmother mixed that up all the time and I swear it will kill anything that flies!
:Locolaugh: :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:Then did she put Windex on the stings?
That's where I was coming from.:Locolaugh: :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:
My Big Fat Greek Wedding ?? :bananalama:
Maybe you should get a reserve can of spray, just in case your primary weapon runs out of ammo in the middle of the fight.![]()
Oh, I think a redundant can a spray would be a wise move.
Statements like that show exactly why you are El Jefe !!!! :lmao: :lmao:looks like a great opportunity for some youtube video right there!
I'm all for the expandable foam idea! Sounds like a blast to watch SOMEONE ELSE do. Any bets on how many make it out before it seals?I was going to suggest a second can as well... either that or one of those bug bomb you can throw over your sholder as you begin your retreat...
or.. instead of the spray... you could mix up some epoxy foam, build an applicator gun with an exceptionally long nozzle and blast the nest full of that... that'll teach em!
(I'd still have the two cans of srray handy just in case my hair brained scheme doesn't work)
If you need access to C-4, just go down to your local auction house:I'm sure being a sapper he could help you blow the thing up. If you don't have access to some good C4 I think an M-80 would work wonders!
I'm all for the expandable foam idea! Sounds like a blast to watch SOMEONE ELSE do. Any bets on how many make it out before it seals?
Then use the winning to fund for however long that kind of money lasts.Shoot it with a potato cannon!
And be sure to video it. Submit to AFV and get some ca$h.
100%^ should we rather ask, what is probability of every thread going in that direction??!!!