Hello, I started doing the problems on the six-minute problems book (afternoon session for env./water resources). I wondering if the difficulty level for the afternoon session is similar to the six-minute problems?
Really? I (and I believe most people from what I read here) find the 6 Min Sols to take way longer than 6 minutes and the NCEES sample problems to be spot on with the actual exam.Six minute solutions and the NCEES review book are very representative of the degree of difficulty on the exam.
Good point.I would agree that 6 min solutions was more difficult and that there are multiple steps to the problems ... but anyone of those sub calculations/steps could have been a question on the exam; especially for the depth WR section.
NCEES is definitely the closest; but I would focus on 6 minutes solutions so you understand any of the three/four types of questions they could ask per problem.